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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 36027

Procurement News Notice

PNN 36027
Work Detail Neuquén.- The public tender No. 30/22 was held at the facilities of the Provincial Roads Directorate for the horizontal signaling work on the former national route 22 Neuquén-Plottier section. This is the signaling work of 13 kilometers of the Neuquén-Plottier Multitrocha, former national route 22, which will be carried out by the Provincial Directorate of Roads through the transfer agreement signed by the provincial government with National Roads in January 2021. According to it, the jurisdiction of the corridor will pass to the municipal orbit for routine cleaning maintenance, maintenance of traffic lights and lighting, etc. Also read Plan Argentina Grande: Construction begins on the North Patagonian Hospital CURRENT Plan Argentina Grande: Construction begins on the North Patagonian Hospital 17 Jul 2022 In this way, the province, through Provincial Roads, carried out the work of patching and placing micro-agglomerate throughout the section, to finish its rehabilitation with the work of horizontal signaling. The President of the Directorate of Provincial Roads, Mauro Millan, stated that “after preparing all the legal and technical documentation, we have proceeded to the public tender for the last work to be carried out on the multi-lane highway before passing that section to municipal jurisdiction. Horizontal signage is very important to provide the road with optimal road safety conditions, therefore it will be executed according to the regulations in force in the National Traffic Law, 24449 and the Horizontal Signage Manual of the National Road Directorate. 28 years after the attack on the AMIA, the communities of the Alto Valle will carry out a unitary act UPDATED 28 years after the attack on the AMIA, the communities of the Alto Valle will carry out a unitary act 17 Jul 2022 Public tender 30/2022 Yesterday, with the presence of authorities from the Provincial Road Administration and company representatives, the envelopes corresponding to two offers were counted. In envelope number 1, the offer corresponding to the company BECHA SA and envelope number 2, the offer corresponding to the company CLEANOSOL ARGENTINA SAICFI Horizontal signaling of former National Route 22 Neuquén-Plottier section The work will be carried out in a section of approximately 13.2 kilometers between Cipolletti and Plottier. The section includes between the limit with Río Negro (interprovincial bridge) and the limit with Plottier on Olavarría street, including the 27 vehicular intersections. The work consists of horizontal signage by means of demarcation with hot-applied thermoplastic material of longitudinal lines, lane lines, road edge, central lines or axis in various ways including give way or pedestrian path, arrows, etc. In the case of symbols and brands, they will be adjusted to a speed of 60km/hour. The specific tasks to be carried out are divided into pre-marking of the surface, cleaning, priming, application of the thermoplastic material by pneumatic projection and by extrusion. An execution period of 60 calendar days and an official budget of $83,209,955 are set.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 19 Jul 2022

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