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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 35768

Procurement News Notice

PNN 35768
Work Detail More water for the southern zone and winter generates the losses that exist in the city The head of the water service and maintenance company of the provincial State explained the works in the cisterns with an investment of $755,675,151 pesos. The head of Sameep Gustavo DAlessandro told NORTE about the Cisterna Sur-Sur project that seeks to match the Belgrano avenue project. It will have supply from 500mm pipes in the first stage and in the second stage with 700mm pipes from the plant. It will supply from Soberanía Nacional Avenue to the South and highway and airport areas. The operations seek to improve and optimize the trunk pipe of the drinking water distribution system in the city. This is a project of great importance that seeks to improve the quality of life of many residents of the city. It would involve the entire sector of neighborhoods located between Soberanía Nacional Avenue, National Route No. 11 and Castelli Avenue, the official assured. Gustavo DAlessandro worked for 13 years as a member of the APA. In the 2021 elections, he ran for provincial deputy, for the Frente de Todos. He today he is president of Sameep. These works will benefit and improve the quality of life of thousands of residents who live in neighborhoods in the South such as La Rubita, Jorge Newbery and Carpincho Macho, for example, he said. Another similar work will consist of a closure of aqueducts in the northern neighborhoods of the city. The network of the North includes, in addition to the cistern, the mesh closure of the existing networks that are isolated, to optimize supply, explained DAlessandro. The public works Optimization of drinking water system south tank B and reconditioning south tank A will cost $755,675,151.29. The execution period will be approximately 18 months and will be in charge of the Ministry of Planning, Economy and Infrastructure - Province of Chaco. OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM CISTERN SUR “B” AND RECONDITIONING CISTERN SUR “A” – AMGR Type of Work: Engineering Works Principal: MINISTRY OF PLANNING, ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE Tender No: 10/22 Place: Province of Chaco Opening date: 06/28/2022 at 10:00 AM Official budget: $755,675,151.29
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 29 Jun 2022

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