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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 35546

Procurement News Notice

PNN 35546
Work Detail They opened envelopes for the construction of 238 homes in Las Talitas The project will be executed by direct contracting. Two companies were presented with proposals to develop the group of houses that are part of the quota of 3,600 homes that the national government granted to Tucumán. The Vice President of the Legislature, in charge of the Executive Power, Regino Amado, presided over this morning in the White Room of the Government House the act of opening envelopes for direct contracting, with prior comparison of prices, of the company that will develop the neighborhood 238 homes in Las Talitas. The project is part of the Casa Propia program, a federal policy that seeks to reduce the housing deficit and aims to guarantee the right to housing and promote equal access to it. In Tucumán, thanks to the efforts of the Executive Power in the Nation, the construction of 3,600 houses is planned throughout the province. The objective of the provincial government is to improve peoples quality of life, and in this case in Tucumán, by bidding 238 more homes, more jobs and economic movement will be generated for companies and businesses that sell construction items , highlighted Beloved. Along these lines, the vice president of the Legislature said: “I am representing the governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, who, together with the chief of staff, Juan Manzur, is working to establish the supply of diesel so that we do not have problems in the sugar harvest and of the lemon, so that the economy of Tucuman does not suffer. This act of opening envelopes adds to more than 1,000 homes that are in different stages of bidding and execution. Likewise, Amado announced that work is being done on the acquisition of land where 2,000 more homes will enter to be able to cover the needs of many people who do not have their own home. Ministers Fabián Soria (Public Works and Services) and Miguel Acevedo (Interior); the inspector of the Provincial Institute of Housing and Urban Development (IPVyDU), Stella Maris Córdoba; and the mayor of Las Talitas, Carlos Najar. The work includes a budget of $1,037,407,070.62 (one thousand thirty-seven million four hundred seven thousand seventy and 62/100) with an execution period of 540 calendar days. Two companies presented their proposals for direct contracting: Camaro Construcciones SRL, with an offer of $1,662,785,629.14; and Coba SA for an amount of $1,662,284,351.82 Minister Soria explained the importance of “fulfilling the citizens dream of home ownership. It was a long time in which no housing works were done, 16 years. The pandemic also did its thing. This policy of reactivation of the national government of the president, Alberto Fernández, as well as the chief of staff, Juan Manzur; of the governor, Osvaldo Jaldo; and the comptroller, Stella Maris Córdoba, is showing. Particularly, with the tenders that were made in recent months” and stressed that the construction of social housing “impacts economic mobility within the province and resolves, among other things, the lack of money.” For her part, the intervener of the IPVyDU, Stella Maris Córdoba said: This new opening of envelopes is particular to me, because I was the first mayor of Las Talitas, and I am grateful to that community. Along these lines, he maintained that together with Mayor Najar, we figured out that in addition to these 238 homes that were tendered today, 140 homes are being built in the Judicial venture and two ventures of more than 100 and 110 homes with provincial funds . And he added: “The construction of 264 houses is projected through the Procrear Program, with which we are talking about more than 600 houses just for Las talitas. This demonstrates the provincial policy of housing reactivation”. This is the ninth opening of bidding envelopes so far from November to today: they have been tendered in Burruyacu, Símoca, Bella Vista and La Cocha. We are working to build them in Aguilares, Lieutenant Berdina, Soldier Maldonado, Los Aguirre and Lules”, added the official. For his part, the secretary general of the Construction Workers Union of the Argentine Republic (UOCRA), David Acosta, present at the event, said: For the colleagues of our union it is an important day, because the start of these works They demand a lot of jobs. This is an important year for construction, because we are coming through difficult times due to the pandemic and a previous national government that did not bet on public works.” The adjudication commission, who will evaluate the proposals and choose the company that will finally build the neighborhood, is made up of the director of the Technical Area of ??the IPVyDU, Frederic Domián; the director of the Legal Area, Guillermo Curia; the director of the Accounting Area, Julieta Juárez; and the Secretary General, Miguel Santucho. So far this year, the construction of 1,100 of the 3,600 houses has been awarded, including those of today, distributed in the following cities: 135 homes in San Miguel de Tucumán 132 in Rio Seco 178 homes in Simoca 182 homes in Bella Vista 76 homes in the district of Los Bulacio and Los Villagra 44 dwellings in San Pedro de Colalao 35 dwellings in La Cocha 80 dwellings in Burruyacú 238 homes in Las Talitas
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 14 Jun 2022

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