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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 35405

Procurement News Notice

PNN 35405
Work Detail The Community Board confirmed that it will allocate the money to cut grass and green areas of the sports center, which are within its jurisdiction. Commune 12 called this Friday, May 27, for a public tender in order to hire a company to carry out the maintenance of the green spaces of Parque Sarmiento, an area that is under its jurisdiction. The investment exceeds 200 million pesos, and a two-year bond is planned for this purpose. The information is derived from Communal Resolution 458, published in the Official Gazette of the City Government this Friday. Signed by Gabriel Borges, it provides for the call for tenders for the Integral Maintenance Service and Complementary Tasks of Parque Sarmiento. The opening of the envelope with the bidders is scheduled for next June 13. This newspaper spoke with Borges himself, who announced that the money will be used for tasks such as cutting or maintaining the grass and plants of the 70-hectare sports center. Due to a transfer of competences carried out in 2020, the Communal Board took over the maintenance of the park. For this reason, the Holmberg-based institution will be in charge of controlling compliance with the link created with the contractor company. The firm that wins the tender will be in charge of cleaning and hygiene tasks for two years, such as waste collection and the replacement and emptying of baskets, as well as sweeping common areas. Likewise, it must be in charge of cutting and weeding the lawn, guaranteeing irrigation and treating the land, avoiding pests or insect invasion, with the corresponding sanitary treatments in case any of these are found. Pruning and fertilization will be other tasks of the contracting company, over which Commune 12 must ensure, along with the maintenance of bathrooms, furniture, bars, and kennels. If necessary, the agreed tasks include painting and replacement of broken or worn materials. Sarmiento Park turned 40 years old last September, and the state of the non-privatized areas is one of the biggest points of complaint from its visitors, as it happened last summer when the colony was developed, reported by this newspaper. INTEGRAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF THE PRESIDENTE SARMIENTO PARK AND COMPLEMENTARY TASKS Type of Work: Services Client: COMMUNE 12 Tender No.: 9112-0458-LPU22 Place: City of Buenos Aires Opening date: 06/13/2022 at 01:00 PM Official budget: $232,800,000.00
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Services
Entry Date 31 May 2022

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