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United States Procurement News Notice - 3516

Procurement News Notice

PNN 3516
Work Detail The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) will release a new standard to facilitate improved communication between engineers and contractors when planning and assessing tower construction. The new American National Standard Institute (ANSI) approved standard ''ANSI/TIA-322, Loading Criteria, Analysis, and Design Related to the Installation, Alteration and Maintenance of Communication Structures,'' revises and redacts TIA’s original 1019-A standard which was first published in 2012. Through a coordinated effort, TIA and the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) evolved the original TIA-1019-A standard for two distinct audiences in construction planning and implementation. Portions of TIA-1019-A were brought into the existing standardisation efforts underway in ASSE and drove the completion of the ANSI/ASSE A10.48 standard. Construction related loading, analysis and design requirements are now contained in the standard, while the construction means and methods provisions from ANSI/TIA-1019-A are covered in the ANSI/ASSE A10.48 standard. The development of both revised standards to TIA-1019-A was a joint effort between TIA and ASSE to ensure the standards are synchronised. ANSI/TIA-322 and ANSI/ASSE A10.48 each represent important roles required to complete the planning and construction process. Both standards will go into effect 1 January 2017.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Telecommunication
Entry Date 03 Sep 2016

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