Work Detail |
Reducing the energy intensity of the boin ii ecopharma: The subject of the filling is to install a photovoltaic power plant and a heat pump, respectively. Austerity measures to reduce energy consumption on the premises of family ecofarms. The factory will be based on a total of 90 photovoltaic panels with a nominal output of 350wp located on a special aluminum-ocel structure on the existing roof of the building. It is a combined two -storey building, which is covered with a metal gable roof. The overall power obtained by covered part of the southern half of the roof by photovoltaic panels while maintaining the existing roof slope will undergo 31.5kwp under ideal conditions. For further use, the obtained current will be converted from dc to ac, with maximum yield for individual sections composed of 15 panels. For this, 3 hybrid inverters with 10kw nominal output (or similar technology with a total ac power of 30kw), which will cooperate and act as one source allowing an asymmetric supply to the network based on the current exercise of individual phases. The heat source will be the air-water heat pump in the split version, ie with the divided outdoor and indoor unit with a total power of min. 20kw at a-7/w55. This device will be fitted with equithermal regulation in czech, integrated 9kw electric boiler and electric heating belt to protect the bathtub for freezing from frost. The system will be able to control the cascade of two units using the lon bus communication module and the lon bus bus. The inner unit consists of a built -in capacitor, the heating /drinking water heating, the circulatory pump for the secondary circuit, the safety valve and the pressure gauge and the control system. The heat pump will be connected to the fv system and in the case of surpluses the storage tank and boiler will be able to heat the renewable renewal reservoir and the boiler - thereby increased the proportion of renewable sources on its own consumption, and especially the use of a photovoltaic power plant in transitional periods. Were full. Major organization : ING. JAN BOINA Address : Sdlo Vernrovice 248 54982 Vernrovice Krlovhradeck Kraj Cesk Republika Fakturacn Adresa Stejn Jako Sdlo Country :Czech Republic Tender notice number : P22V00003219 Notice type : Tender Notice Open date : 2022-05-24 Tender documents : T472791874.html |