Work Detail |
At the headquarters of the 13th District, the award of the National Public Tender No. 102/2021 was also made, which provides for the improvement conservation work of National Route No. 25 in a section located between Las Chapas and the town of Las Plumas. In this case, the work will be carried out over a length of 7.67 kilometres, from km 191.53 to 199.32. The National Roads investment will exceed 94 million pesos and will have an execution period of four months. On the occasion, the offer corresponding to the company CN Sapag was considered, which quoted the tasks at $134,911,734.60. The works to be carried out in this section include the execution of an asphalt concrete layer 0.04 meters thick and 6.70 meters wide, including irrigation of the asphalt emulsion throughout the entire length of the work. Prior to the execution of the same, surface patching will be carried out in the entire section and the restitution of the grade in three specific sectors - in accordance with the culverts -, each 30 meters long and in the entire width of the crest. . For this last intervention, the demolition and removal of existing pavement with an average thickness of 0.025 meters, the construction of a granular base and the execution of a primer irrigation with asphalt emulsion are planned. Likewise, throughout the length of the work, the execution of gravel shoulders and the removal and relocation of galvanized metal railings for defense will be carried out. |