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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 34827

Procurement News Notice

PNN 34827
Work Detail The works began this Monday simultaneously with the signing of an act between the company CPC Engineering and Infrastructure SA and the National Highway Administration, based on the contract signed between the parties on February 11, after the work was put out to tender again. which was paralyzed for several years. Specifically, they correspond to section No. 2, which has an extension of 41 kilometers from the so-called Pan de Azúcar hill (in the vicinity of La Lobería) and the northern access to Caleta Olivia. They have a term of execution of 30 months and were budgeted at approximately 6.7 billion pesos, remembering that section No. 1 that goes from Rada Tilly to Cerro Pan de Azúcar, was awarded to the company Rigel SRL and the act The start of that journey would probably take place next week. The highway will replace the old route of Route 3, which is currently being repaired by CPC and some sections will form part of the new double-track work. The act held at noon today took place in the workshop of CPC distant about 18 km. north of Caleta Olivia, where an asphalt mix manufacturing plant has already been set up, while the granulated material will be supplied from a quarry near Pico Truncado. Three engineers were present on behalf of CPC, Aníbal Alisiardi (general manager), Francisco Ranea (operations manager) and Ricardo De Petri (works coordinator). For National Roads, Martín Medvedovsky (head of District 23 Santa Cruz) and engineer Florencia Robledo (inspector) attended, as well as specially invited guests, the mayor of Caleta Olivia, Fernando Cotillo and the president of Santa Cruz Roads, Mauricio Gómez Bull. The works that were resumed in the vicinity of the workshop, consist of soil movement that will allow progress in the continuity of the trace that will have a 6 cm asphalt layer. In the informal press conference, Medvedovsky said that all the agreed steps are being fulfilled and that the national State guarantees the funds to ensure the completion of the work, while stressing that Santa Cruz declared it a priority. On the other hand, he did not forget to mention the constant efforts carried out by the mayors of localities in the San Jorge Gulf basin and the head of the Road Administration of this province.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 27 Apr 2022

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