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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 34586

Procurement News Notice

PNN 34586
Work Detail The Municipality of Santa Fe is working on a new project to convene a new tender within a month for the remodeling works, interior and exterior, of the Bus Terminal. In March, two bidders were presented, but with offers much higher than the official budget. After the bidding that took place in mid-March fell, with bids that doubled the official one, the Municipality of the city of Santa Fe together with the Ente de la Terminal de Ómnibus work against the clock in the elaboration of a new project, with lower costs which will allow a call to bid again within 30 days. These days some minor tasks will begin inside the ship with their own resources, leaving for the future the work abroad aimed at modernizing and solving structural problems that the place has had for a long time. The works in the Bus Terminal have to do with fixing the interior, the exterior and a good part of the environment, not only for the maintenance of the spaces, but also to re-functionalize and modernize it. The term of work is eight months and they are the product of an agreement reached between the Municipality and the Ministry of Transport of the Nation. “The building has been paralyzed for a long time, almost as in its beginnings, and no type of work was carried out on it; that is why we went to seek financing from the Nation”, commented Mayor Emilio Jatón at the time of making the announcement. On March 18, the tender was held, but it was deserted. Two companies presented themselves with offers much higher than the 94,404,446 of the official budget. On the one hand, Coemyc SA, which offered 177 million pesos, while Capitel S. After that instance, but with the need to move forward with the project as a result of the deterioration that the building presents after so many years of abandonment, the Municipality decided to rethink the initiative. We are redesigning the budget and lowering costs for a new tender within a month, Sergio Buchara, president of the North Market Autarchic Entity and Manuel Belgrano Bus Terminal, confirmed to AIRE. In the same sense, the official said that with his own resources and to lower part of the costs, it was decided to start with minor tasks inside the Terminal. «We started with part of the repair and waterproofing of the slabs of the south wing to the north, which were not contemplated in the project. At the same time, Interior painting and cleaning work is contemplated and we are going to carry out the sustainable area with resources from the Entity.” Among the tasks are also mentioned refurbishment of ticket offices and digitization of static advertising. The exterior work, which includes work on the sidewalks of Belgrano Street, improvements to access to the building, connectivity with the park of the former Fairgrounds, creation of horizontal and vertical green spaces, parking, represents 70% of the bidding funds that will be in charge of the company that is awarded. The Terminal recovers movement The Santa Fe Bus Terminal seems to have left behind the effect of the coronavirus pandemic and recovers its level of circulation from 2019. According to data from the Entity, currently “25,000 circulate on average people daily while on weekends the number increases even more. It is good news, we are returning to normality, said Sergio Buchara. Regarding companies, there are 56 micros destined for tourist trips, but the number exceeds 100 if short, medium and long distance services are counted.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Architecture
Entry Date 11 Apr 2022

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