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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 34468

Procurement News Notice

PNN 34468
Work Detail The official budget for the construction of 550 square meters is 104,816,548 pesos and the execution period is 360 calendar days. Two companies bid for the expansion works of EPET No. 1 of Cutral Co. The works consist of building 550 square meters involving two laboratories on the ground floor and three classrooms on the upper floor, among other facilities. The official budget was set at 104,816,548 pesos and one year is expected for the building. The Secretary General and Public Services was in charge of carrying out the act of opening the offers. Proposals were received from two companies: Dinale SA and Blackhall SRL, which will now be submitted for evaluation to determine which will be the successful bidder. The budget is 104,816,548 pesos and the execution period is scheduled for 360 calendar days for expansion and renovation. EPET No. 1 houses around 1,200 students who are divided between morning and afternoon shifts, and this year overcrowding forced the start of classes for 4th grade students to be suspended, which is the school route in which they choose specialties: Chemistry or Construction . The technical school, located in the heart of Cultralquense, has 4,502 square meters spread over two floors. It was announced that the expansion project includes: on the ground floor, two laboratories with deposits and a weighing area, a teaching office (of the laboratories), a metal emergency staircase and a fire engine room. On the upper floor, three classrooms will be built (one for drawing). Meanwhile, the refunctionalization stage consists of three classrooms, with the spare parts of the existing laboratory, storage (in the existing laboratory) and a nursing area. Before the tender for the work, the Minister of Government and Education, Osvaldo Llancafilo said that the expansion of EPET 1 will improve the educational quality of the 1,218 young people who will have new study spaces such as the laboratory, being the establishment with the largest number of students throughout the province. Having new infrastructure means renewing the educational system from the base, which is the school”. Finally, the Undersecretary of Public Works, Roberto Deza, indicated that we have received two competitive offers to carry out the expansion and re-functionalization of EPET No. 1. He added that it is a project that took a lot of work together with Education, which we managed to achieve and that today we can dedicate ourselves to analyzing the offers to be able to pre-award and finally award. Likewise, Deza highlighted the lactation area that the establishment will have and that can be used by those who need it. They are fundamental spaces that we see as necessary and that will be used by both the students and managers, teachers and assistants, she said. The Secretary General and Public Services, Leonel Dacharry, participated in the act of opening the envelopes; Undersecretary Deza; the Coordinator of Maintenance and Infrastructure, Cristhian Diorio; and facility authorities. EPET Nº 1 – EXPANSION OF CLASSROOMS AND PARTS – CUTRAL CÓ Type of Work: Works of Architecture Client: UNDERSECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC WORKS Tender No: 19/22 Place: Province of Neuquén Opening date: 03/29/2022 at 12:00 PM Official budget: $90,593,387.00
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Architecture
Entry Date 05 Apr 2022

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