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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 34021

Procurement News Notice

PNN 34021
Work Detail The Buenos Aires Government today awarded the work for the realization of a House of the Province in the municipality of Magdalena with the aim of bringing the State closer to citizens and saving money on renting buildings. The Houses of the Province seeks to decentralize the headquarters of the Provincial Executive, in this case so that the residents of Magdalen can carry out procedures without the need to travel to La Plata. Through resolution 1902 published today in the Official Gazette of the district, the Executive approved Public Tender No. 111/2021 and awarded the works to the company Game SA. The Houses of the Province seek to decentralize the headquarters of the Provincial Executive so that the inhabitants of the interior of Buenos Aires can carry out procedures in those districts without the need to travel to La Plata or large cities. Thus, a single building is built in which all the offices of the Government of the Province will function to facilitate and speed up the execution of administrative procedures. ?Among the dependencies that will house the building are the Provincial Registry of Persons, the Social Welfare Institute, IOMA, ARBA, Patronato de Liberados, delegations of the Ministry of Labor, Education and the Ministry of Women, among others. In addition, the work implies an improvement in the working conditions of the workers who work in these organizations that work in the municipalities. It also entails savings for the province, since most of these dependencies today must rent premises to function. AWARD | HOUSE OF PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY OF MAGDALENA Client: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES Place: Province of Buenos Aires Opening date: 08-06-2021 12:00 p.m. Official budget: $ 174,266,293.00 See Tender GAME S.A. $ 145.852.000,00 More information at Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 16 Mar 2022

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