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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 33950

Procurement News Notice

PNN 33950
Work Detail This is the opening of envelopes for the tender for the first stage of the building, which will require an investment of 178,280,258 pesos. The General Secretariat and Public Services reported that, in coordination with the Ministry of Government and Education, the bid opening ceremony was held this morning for the first stage of the new building of Primary School No. 361 in Villa la Angostura. The first stage of the work will include the construction of 1,233.65 square meters. The official budget will be 178,280,258 pesos and the execution period is 540 calendar days. There were two offers presented by the companies EFEDE SRL and ABI SRL. From now on, the evaluation process begins to determine which will be the winner of the work. The Minister of Government and Education, Osvaldo Llancafilo, stressed that “this is great news for more than 100 girls and boys, their families and teachers who are part of the institution. We continue to work in coordination with the educational communities, the Ministry of Economy, Public Works and each municipality to continue adding school infrastructure works in different parts of the province”. The Undersecretary of Public Works, Roberto Deza, for his part, indicated that it is a longing to be able to project an important future for our youth, since it is an objective of Governor Gutiérrezs management to strengthen the infrastructure of our province for all citizens of Neuquén. ”. In this first stage, all the exterior works will be carried out, perimeter sidewalks of the entire building, the playground with its corresponding accesses, the retaining walls, perimeter fence and municipal sidewalks as such are indicated in the plans. A safety closing fence must also be incorporated around the periphery of the column trunks. Also participating in the act were the Secretary General and Public Services, Leonel Dacharry; the Minister of Government and Education, Osvaldo Llancafilo; the undersecretary of Public Works, Roberto Deza; the mayor of Villa la Angostura, Fabio Stefani; the provincial director of Minor and Delegated Works, Antonio Urrutia; the provincial director of Legal Affairs, José Luis Crespo; the director of Contracted Works MMO, Calos Córdoba; and the General Coordinator of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Jorge Isilabella. PRIMARY SCHOOL N° 361 – NEW BUILDING – V ETAPA – VILLA LA ANGOSTURA Type of Work: Works of Architecture Client: UNDERSECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC WORKS Place: Province of Neuquén Official budget: $178,280,258.00 Offers presented EFEDE SRL ABI SRL More information at Source:
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 14 Mar 2022

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