Work Detail |
Parana – Covers 250 home connections and will be financed by ENOHSA. It covers 250 household connections and will be financed by the National Entity for Water and Sanitation Works (ENOHSA). We work to guarantee access to basic sanitation services for all neighborhoods, said Mayor Adán Bahl. The municipal president signed the award decree to the company CYME SRL, with an execution period of six months. Details The construction of the sewage collection network in the jurisdiction of the Macarone Neighborhood Commission is complementary to the Northeast Sewage Collection System. Its purpose is to provide service to the neighborhood and surrounding streets in order to complete the provision of the subsidiary sewage network to an important sector of the city. The work includes the sewer service for the entire sector, with 250 home connections and 1,200 meters of PVC pipe. It is part of the agreement between the National Entity for Water and Sanitation Works of the Nation and the Municipality of Paraná and will be carried out within the Plan Argentina Hace, which aims to promote the reactivation of local economies in the construction sector. , the generation of intensive labor and local and regional consolidation by carrying out basic social infrastructure works, quickly executed throughout the national territory. |