Work Detail |
77WE/C manufactures motors and products essential to support the power of various kinds of industries in India while contributing to carbon neutrality. {Brand Content initiative} As part of the overall contribution towards achieving carbon neutrality, Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation (TMEIC) in India is committed to collaboration and participation by every possible means to reach this goal. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the pledge at the Glasgow COP26 summit to cut its emissions to net-zero by 2070—the first time India has set a net-zero target. TMEIC, as part of its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Drive, had developed plans to have its manufacturing set up to have self-sustainable factories in terms of its energy usage. TMEIC has two manufacturing factories located in Tumkur near Bengaluru in South India, which manufacture medium voltage electric motors, medium voltage variable frequency variable speed AC drives, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, and solar photovoltaic grid-tie inverters power conversion systems (PV-PCS). The motor factory performs the combined testing of electric motors along with medium voltage drives as per customers requirements, where it consumes the power required for type testing. TMEICs power electronics factory in India located in Tumkur is provided with solar photovoltaic cells mounted on its roof, as shown in the photo above. This comes out of 20 (modules/string) x 155 (strings) x 320Wp (per module) crystalline PV silicon modules. Depending upon the sites environmental conditions, the actual power generated differs from its maximum installed capacity. These solar PV cells array is interfaced with TMEICs own Solar Ware PV inverter, which typically generates a maximum capacity of 730kW. Both TMEIC factories are fed from the Karnataka State Power Grid for a sanctioned load of 160kW, mainly used for all utilities of the factory and testing high-power products. A diesel generator (DG set) is also interfaced with the factory power supply network as an emergency power supply arrangement. TMEIC also has interfaced a battery energy storage system (BESS) with the factory power supply system along with the rooftop solar power, the grid, and the DG set. The batteries provided are Toshiba-made lithium titanate batteries, which have a high charge-discharge cycle rate and long life. These batteries are interfaced to TMEICs Solar Ware battery power converter system (TMBCS), which can provide almost 388kWh of discharge power at 100% SOC. MEIC provides its own power plant controller (PPC) automation system platform, which is customized for the given setup of power flow management to meet the required objective of its management. The PPC is programmed suitably to meet the factory power consumption during daytime and nighttime, using the solar PV and BESS attached to it, so as to avoid usage of power from the Mains Grid Power network. In addition to the factory power load, the additional power generated by the rooftop solar PV and BESS is also planned to be exported to the grid in the near future, once the regulation to do so is available, to get the additional earnings benefits. TMEICs PPC collects information of the respective power feeding source and user, as well as the battery management system (BMS) for the status of batteries, and has a customized user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) screen, which updates the information on a real-time basis in addition to keeping a long-term data log. The system develops an overall log report of how much power is generated, as per the HMI screen below. At present, this self-sufficient factory has developed 5,073 MWh in the last two years since its inception. In view of the above system, TMEIC factories in India have become self-sufficient in terms of the usage of electrical power. Considering the cleanest coal-fired thermal power plant produces approximately 700gm per kWh of C02 (source: NREL), the TMEIC energy self-sufficient factory has by now helped save almost ((5073 MWh x 1000) x (700gm/1000)) /1000 = 3,551 tons of C02. That is almost 1,775 tons per year of C02 production if it would have used the grid power coming from a coal-fired thermal power plant. TMEIC is the first company in India to set up such a Green energy self-sufficient factory in India. TMEIC offers such a BESS-based energy storage system, engineered and customized for behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter applications of energy storage and its usage. Applications of BESS involve grid-scale BESS, renewable integration, peak shaving, load shifting, emergency back-up, micro grids, black start, and deviation settlement mechanism (DSM) for power generating stations connected with power supply grids. TMEIC with its versatile experience in developing and integrating BESS solutions has this energy self-sufficient factory as a classic example showcase for a prospective energy solutions provider and developer. |