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Dirección General de Concesiones in Chile has officially published the Award Degree of the Red Biobío hospital network PPP in the Official Gazette. Obrascón Huarte Lain SA has been awarded the contract to build and operate the hospital network. The project includes four hospitals and will provide a total of 569 beds, benefiting a population of more than 400 thousand people. The Biobío Network considers the integral development of the design, the elaboration of the definitive project and the construction and conservation of four hospitals, in addition to the provision of clinical and non-clinical furniture, medical equipment, industrial equipment and furniture associated with the infrastructure. The project is located in Santa Bárbara, Nacimiento, Coronel and Lota, and will be developed by the winning consortium, Obrascón Huarte Lain SA. The concession period is 15 years and the total investment is estimated at US$325 million. The consortium will begin construction works during the second quarter of 2023. The hospitals are expected to start operations during the fourth quarter of 2025. |