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Advanta Home Equity Loan Trust 1993-3 (NASDAQ:IART) institutional sentiment decreased to 1.21 in 2016 Q2. Its down -0.33, from 1.54 in 2016Q1. The ratio dropped, as 98 active investment managers increased or opened new stock positions, while 81 reduced and sold their stakes in Advanta Home Equity Loan Trust 1993-3. The active investment managers in our partner’s database reported: 32.06 million shares, down from 32.34 million shares in 2016Q1. Also, the number of active investment managers holding Advanta Home Equity Loan Trust 1993-3 in their top 10 stock positions was flat from 4 to 4 for the same number . Sold All: 17 Reduced: 64 Increased: 69 New Position: 29. Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation is a medical technology company. The company has a market cap of $3.20 billion. The Firm focuses on the development, manufacturing and marketing of surgical implants and medical instruments. It has a 553.73 P/E ratio. The Company’s products are used in neurosurgery, extremity reconstruction, orthopedics and general surgery. About 71,705 shares traded hands. Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART) has risen 35.23% since January 22, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 21.31% the S&P500. Analysts await Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:IART) to report earnings on November, 1. They expect $0.89 earnings per share, up 18.67% or $0.14 from last year’s $0.75 per share. IART’s profit will be $33.42 million for 23.94 P/E if the $0.89 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.79 actual earnings per share reported by Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 12.66% EPS growth. According to Zacks Investment Research, “Integra LifeSciences Corp. develops, manufactures and markets medical devices, implants and biomaterials primarily used in the treatment of burns and skin defects, spinal and cranial disorders, orthopedics and other surgical applications. Integra seeks to be the world’s leading company specializing in implantable medical and biopharmaceutical therapies to target and control cell behavior, and to build shareholder value by acquiring, discovering, and developing cost-effective, off-the-shelf products that satisfy unmet medical needs.” Sector Gamma As holds 5.32% of its portfolio in Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp for 329,657 shares. Champlain Investment Partners Llc owns 1.64 million shares or 2.26% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Hood River Capital Management Llc has 2.21% invested in the company for 207,220 shares. The New York-based Sandler Capital Management has invested 1.86% in the stock. Falcon Point Capital Llc, a California-based fund reported 134,293 shares. Ratings analysis reveals 60% of Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp.’s analysts are positive. Out of 5 Wall Street analysts rating Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp., 3 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 2 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $75 while the high is $84. The stock’s average target of $78 is -8.48% below today’s ($85.23) share price. IART was included in 6 notes of analysts from September 21, 2015. Barclays Capital maintained the shares of Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp. in a note on July 29 with “Equal Weight” rating. Lake Street maintained Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp.’s stock on April 28 with “Hold” rating. Finally, Bank of America upgraded the shares of Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp. to “Buy” rating in a September 21 note. The information provided on this website is for individual use only and should be considered strictly informational in nature. The article is not advice, and should not be treated as such. We are in no way responsible for any investment loss or damages. All content in our articles is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. Neither the information presented nor any statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities. Viewers should always consult with a licensed securities professional before purchasing or selling any securities of companies profiled or discussed in our articles. It is possible that a viewer’s entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled. We make no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled or discussed in on our website should be purchased, sold or held by investors. |