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Zimbabwe Procurement News Notice - 31643

Procurement News Notice

PNN 31643
Work Detail Road repair works are planned for the Bikita area in western Zimbabwe, close to the border with Mozambique. A budget of US$45 million has been set for the works, which will be carried out in three phases. The budget includes buying new equipment to be used for the work. The plans have been drawn up by the Rural District Council (RDC) of Bikita. Repairs to 365km of roads will be carried out under the programme, with resurfacing being an important component for the most heavily used routes. Roads being improved the 65km link between Nandi and Matsvange, the 59km road connecting Chikuku with Makuvaza and the 26km road from Silveria to Bikitas. The first stage of the programme is costing $23 million, with the second phase costing $15 million and the third and final phase costing $5 million.
Country Zimbabwe , Southern Africa
Industry Services
Entry Date 30 Jun 2021

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