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Brazil Procurement News Notice - 30412

Procurement News Notice

PNN 30412
Work Detail State of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil has selected Aegea Saneamento for the execution of infrastructure works in sanitary sewage, improvements, maintenance, and operation of the systems for a group of 68 cities in Mato Grosso do Sul. The estimated project investment is BRL 3.8 billion (US$ 672 million), out of which BRL 800 million (US$ 141.62 million) will be invested in the first decade of the concession. The concession period for the project is 30 years. The project is is part of the states 10-year plan to reach universal sewerage services. This plan represents a reduction of 35 years from the previous plan, which established a period of 45 years to reach the same objective. The plan will involve a total estimated investment of BRL3.9 billion (US$1.2 billlion). The project will benefit more than 1.7 million in the cities of Água Clara, Alcinópolis, Amambai, Anastácio, Anaurilândia, Angélica, Antônio João, Aparecida do Taboado, Aquidauana, Aral Moreira, Bataguassu, Batayporã, Bodoquena, Bonito, Brasilândia, Caarapó, Camapuã, Caracol, Chapadão do South, Colonel Sapucaia, Corumbá, Cushion, Deodápolis, Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Douradina, Dourados, Eldorado, Fátima do Sul, Figueirão, Lopes da Laguna Guide, Iguatemi, Innocence, Itaporã, Itaquiraí, Ivinhema, Japorã, Jardim, Jateí, Juti , Ladário, Laguna Carapã, Maracaju, Miranda, Mundo Novo, Naviraí, Nioaque, Nova Alvorada do Sul, Nova Andradina, Novo Horizonte do Sul, Paranaíba, Paranhos, Pedro Gomes, Ponta Porã, Porto Murtinho, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Rio Brilhante , Rio Negro, Rio Verde of Mato Grosso, Santa Rita do Pardo, Selvíria, Sete Quedas, Sidrolândia, Sonora, Tacuru, Taquarussu, Terenos, Três Lagoas and Vicentina, as well as, for the purposes of this Notice, the district of Nova Esperança.
Country Brazil , South America
Industry Public Private Partnership
Entry Date 02 Nov 2020

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