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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 29349

Procurement News Notice

PNN 29349
Work Detail One of the most necessary works for the development of the livestock sector in San Rafael is the aqueduct between Monte Comán and La Horqueta, a project that would improve the socio-productive conditions of 89 agricultural farms on more than 434,000 hectares. The infrastructure work, which includes 291 kilometers of pipe, 31 bushings and 83 delivery points, had been tendered in October 2019 and a dozen bidders had submitted. Days ago it was known that the process had some drawbacks, so everything stopped. The livestock sector received with great distress the novelty of the suspension of the tender for the Monte Comán - La Horqueta aqueduct due to irregularities in the bidding process, they explained from the Livestock Department of the local Chamber of Commerce. It should be noted that this necessary and expected work has been promoted for about 20 years. One fact to keep in mind is that the project has the commitment of the affected producers, who timely signed to make the 40% contribution to the aqueduct. The tender for this long-awaited project was without effect, given that the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) withdrew the financing, arguing irregularities regarding the confidentiality of the hearings in the bidding process (in charge of the General Department of Irrigation) and the complaints by the offering companies ”, they explained from the entity through a statement. “Today we see that for reasons that are not our own, our efforts and hopes have been undervalued in every way. To the Governor, ministers, officials of the General Irrigation Department, we led you to reflect that the time and effort of the producers cannot be squandered and we ask them to arbitrate all the mechanisms necessary to carry out this work, they concluded from the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of San Rafael.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Services
Entry Date 05 Aug 2020

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