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United States Procurement News Notice - 2861

Procurement News Notice

PNN 2861
Work Detail Adobe Systems Incorporated (ADBE) : Wilbanks Smith Thomas Asset Management reduced its stake in Adobe Systems Incorporated by 2.0% during the most recent quarter end. The investment management company now holds a total of 38,760 shares of Adobe Systems Incorporated which is valued at $3,916,310 after selling 792 shares in Adobe Systems Incorporated , the firm said in a disclosure report filed with the SEC on Aug 11, 2016.Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approximately 0.39% of Wilbanks Smith Thomas Asset Management’s portfolio. Other Hedge Funds, Including , Canada Pension Plan Investment Board boosted its stake in ADBE in the latest quarter, The investment management firm added 62,700 additional shares and now holds a total of 111,350 shares of Adobe Systems Incorporated which is valued at $11,250,804. Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approx 0.04% of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s portfolio. First Long Island Investors added ADBE to its portfolio by purchasing 114,444 company shares during the most recent quarter which is valued at $11,635,521. Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approx 2.03% of First Long Island Investors’s portfolio.Exane Derivatives boosted its stake in ADBE in the latest quarter, The investment management firm added 274 additional shares and now holds a total of 793 shares of Adobe Systems Incorporated which is valued at $76,659. Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approx 0.01% of Exane Derivatives’s portfolio.1st Global Advisors boosted its stake in ADBE in the latest quarter, The investment management firm added 364 additional shares and now holds a total of 9,065 shares of Adobe Systems Incorporated which is valued at $888,914. Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approx 0.12% of 1st Global Advisors’s portfolio.Quantres Asset Management Ltd boosted its stake in ADBE in the latest quarter, The investment management firm added 3,300 additional shares and now holds a total of 5,700 shares of Adobe Systems Incorporated which is valued at $558,942. Adobe Systems Incorporated makes up approx 0.33% of Quantres Asset Management Ltd’s portfolio. Adobe Systems Incorporated opened for trading at $100.46 and hit $101.28 on the upside on Tuesday, eventually ending the session at $101.14, with a gain of 0.90% or 0.9 points. The heightened volatility saw the trading volume jump to 10,08,572 shares. Company has a market cap of $50,397 M. On the company’s financial health, Adobe Systems Incorporated reported $0.71 EPS for the quarter, beating the analyst consensus estimate by $ 0.03 according to the earnings call on Jun 21, 2016. Analyst had a consensus of $0.68. The company had revenue of $1399.00 million for the quarter, compared to analysts expectations of $1404.12 million. The company’s revenue was up 20.4% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.48 EPS. Many Wall Street Analysts have commented on Adobe Systems Incorporated. Piper Jaffray Initiated Adobe Systems Incorporated on Jul 26, 2016 to “Overweight”, Price Target of the shares are set at $125.Company shares were Reiterated by Rosenblatt on Jun 22, 2016 to “Buy”, Firm has raised the Price Target to $ 120 from a previous price target of $112 .Company shares were Reiterated by UBS on Jun 22, 2016 to “Buy”, Firm has raised the Price Target to $ 122 from a previous price target of $114 . Adobe Systems Incorporated (Adobe) is a software company. The Company offers products and services for professionals marketers application developers enterprises and consumers for creating managing delivering optimizing and engaging with content. Adobe markets and licenses its products and services through app stores and its Website The Company’s operates in three segments: Digital Marketing Digital Media and Print and Publishing. In Digital Media the Company is engaged in providing tools services and solutions that enable to create publish and promote their content. In Digital Marketing the Company is engaged in providing solutions and services for creating managing executing measuring and optimizing digital advertising and marketing campaigns. Adobe’s Print and Publishing segment addresses various market opportunities including eLearning solutions technical document publishing Web application development and high-end printing.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Financial Services
Entry Date 03 Sep 2016

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