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Chad Procurement News Notice - 28460

Procurement News Notice

PNN 28460
Work Detail The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank gave its agreement, on June 22 in Abidjan, to a proposal for a donation of 29.4 million euros in favor of Chad, to co-finance the Cameroon Electricity Interconnection Project and Chad (PIRECT). The additional document approves the use of the resources mobilized to finance part of the project costs as well as the administrative costs of the Bank, which are estimated at 590,000 euros. The donation comes from the resources of the Investment Platform for Africa (PIA) of the European Union within the framework of PAGoDA, an agreement concluded within the framework of the Investment Facility for Africa (FIAf) under of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF-2014-2020). This important contribution from the European Union is proof of the perfect collaboration with the Bank for the financing of integrative projects in the Central Africa region, said Joseph Nguessan Kouassi, head of the Energy, Infrastructure and Financial Sector Division at the bank. PIRECT, approved in 2017, aims to improve the supply, reliability and accessibility of electricity in Cameroon and Chad. Specifically, this interconnection project must allow cross-border exchanges of electricity at the best price and from renewable energies, promote electricity trade and regional integration, and contribute to development socio-economic of Central Africa. In its implementation, the project provides for the construction of a 225 kV main high voltage (HV) line between Ngaoundéré, Maroua in Cameroon and NDjamena in Chad, and a 225 km HT line ramp between Maroua in Cameroon and Bongor, Guelendeng, NDjamena in Chad. The total length of the HV lines to be built is approximately 1,024 kilometers (786 km in Cameroon and 238 km in Chad). PIRECT also includes the construction of distribution networks for rural electrification along the line corridors. The number of localities to be electrified stands at 478, i.e. 409 in Cameroon and 69 in Chad. The beneficiaries of the project are estimated at nearly one million people. As a reminder, the PIRECT, financed by an ADB loan of 217.91 million euros and an ADF loan of approximately 7.39 million euros (UA 6 million) was approved in December 2017 by the Bank.
Country Chad , Central Africa
Industry Energy & Power
Entry Date 30 Jun 2020

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