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Chile Procurement News Notice - 28327

Procurement News Notice

PNN 28327
Work Detail Suppliers of the item can present their offers through ID 2239-6-LR20 published on until June 10. With the purpose of opening the market and achieving better prices in the service, the ChileCompra Directorate published the tender for the new Framework Agreement for the Supply of Fuels in Service Stations, which supplies diesel and gasoline to the vehicles of all public organizations. The main benefit of this new tender lies in awarding the best discounts on the price of slate of service stations for each region, projected to decrease in price from 5 to 22 pesos per liter. Likewise, the new Framework Agreement increases market opening and the participation of industry suppliers by reducing the duration from 6 years to 1 year of validity, compared to the current Agreement. In addition, the obligation for suppliers to have an electronic platform to record consumption is contemplated. This platform will be available so that each public body can know the detailed and aggregated consumption of each body, better controlling expenses. At the same time, a market is opened to MSMEs since the Bulk and Storage categories change to Agile Purchase for amounts less than 30 UTM, giving possibilities to companies in this segment, which correspond to 98% of the 240 suppliers. .
Country Chile , South America
Industry Oil & Gas
Entry Date 24 Jun 2020

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