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The suppliers of the item have until March 20, 2020 to submit their offer to the tender through ID 2239-4-LR20 . This Framework Agreement will be valid for one year. With the aim of obtaining technological solutions designed and implemented according to the specific computing requirements of public entities, the ChileCompra Directorate opened the tender process for the new Framework Agreement on Services for the development and maintenance of software and professional IT services, that seeks to have a wide range of suppliers for contracts of up to 500 UTM. For higher amounts, Type Bases will be provided, taken as reason by the General Comptroller of the Republic. It is about optimizing contracting for the development of software solutions, their maintenance and packaged services related to information technologies and that are transversal to the public administration, in a competitive environment that guarantees transparency, traceability and market prices. . Main news With this new tender -which will replace the current Framework Agreement for profiles for the development and maintenance of computer systems, ID 2239-3-LP15- the market opens by reducing the validity of the framework agreement, which goes from six to one year in duration, which will allow new companies to join giving dynamism to the item and greater competitiveness. In addition, it considers the modality of software development project and not the hiring of man / hours, thus ensuring greater quality and responsibility with respect to the contracted services, helping to avoid risks of corruption, while having deadlines. guarantee of the software product, finished definition of the expected of the project and use of technologies and know-how of the supplier among others. On the other hand, the agreement considers competition in the market, eliminating direct contracting in the agreement, by establishing quotation processes for suppliers, which impacts higher quality offers that are tailored to the particular needs of the entities. Likewise, it does not require guarantees of seriousness of the offer, which means that there are no economic barriers to entry for suppliers. Likewise, it focuses on the value generated by deliverables of smaller size, but of constant delivery, so that the fulfillment of contracting objectives is ensured by transferring said responsibility to the supplier. And it ensures the incorporation of new technologies, profiles, languages ??or others, since it is the supplier who must make a solution proposal considering the needs presented by the buyer. Tender schedule Publication: January 10, 2020 Closing of reception of the offer: March 20, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Start of Questions: January 13, 2020 End of questions: January 24, 2020 Post of answers: February 28, 2020 Technical opening: March 20, 2020, at 3:30 p.m. Technical evaluation publication : April 13 at 11:50 p.m. Technical Assessment Queries: April 20, 2020 Economic opening act: April 21, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. Award: May 05, 2020 |