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The amendments to the Regulations of the Public Procurement Law -presented by the Ministry of Finance and which came into effect on January 21st- will reduce the bureaucracy and increase the digitization of public purchases for amounts less than 30 UTM. Check the Public Procurement Regulation here As of this January 21, Decree No. 821 came into effect with the new modifications to the Regulations of the Public Procurement Law No. 19,886, which provides the legal framework for the acquisitions of 850 State agencies through the platform . As recommended by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, the level of control over public procurement should be proportional to the level of risk incurred; In this sense, we are making an effort to deepen the agility, simplification and standardization of processes in public purchases of smaller amounts. At the same time, we are improving efficiency in public management, advancing the modernizing agenda of the State with a focus on the digitization of public sector procedures, optimizing its processes and improving citizen service. This modification focuses on purchases of smaller amounts or “Agile Purchase”, acquisitions that carry a limited risk, while the cost of generating said processes is proportionally high with respect to the total value of said purchase. These acquisitions represent 80% of the transactions of , which is equivalent to more than 1,800,000 purchase orders per year and 8% of total purchase expenses. For example, a simple specification tender between 10 and 30 UTM costs the State, approximately, $ 250,000, which would represent a relevant percentage of the product or service that is being purchased. Objectives Deliver a new purchasing instrument, the Agile Purchase that allows progress to be made in the best use of public resources and to reduce bureaucracy in the State. These changes promote greater agility, simplicity and efficiency in the purchases of smaller amounts that covered 80% of transactions in 2019 for an amount of US $ 936 million, equivalent to 8% of the total amount traded. Changes The new amendment to the regulations of Law No. 19,886 on public purchases contemplates the following changes: The threshold for minor purchases is increased, going from 10 to 30 UTM (reaching an approximate amount of $ 1,490,000). The new modality of purchases called “Agile Purchase” is established, which considers the acquisition of goods or services less than 30 UTM. Formal and bureaucratic requirements are reduced, reducing certain formalities such as documents of administrative acts. The three quotes that the buyer must request from the supplier in this purchase can be online, ensuring the price comparison, review and control of these purchases: they can be obtained directly from emails, websites, catalogs or price comparators published on the internet. Entities can pay in advance upon receipt of the good or service, reinforcing the commitment of the new 30-day Payment Law. Benefits: The agencies can carry out these acquisitions with greater agility and speed . Government providers - of which 96.1% are micro, small and medium-sized companies - can make their offers more easily . The State is modernized and the digitization of processes is promoted through digital transformation: the regulations establish that the listing process can be online. Greater efficiency is expected for the State with a reduction of between 70% and 80% of the average cost of the total process of a minor purchase . It has an impact on 80% of the transactions on , which represents more than 1,800,000 purchase orders per year and potentially reaches 8% of total purchase spending. Transparency is increased and the traceability of these purchases is guaranteed , by requiring that online quotes continue to be contained as an attached document on the platform. Other modifications The regulatory changes also recognize the Coordinated Procurement modality, which means that two or more public organizations add demand and, together, purchase goods and services in order to achieve greater efficiency, a modality that showed successful experiences in reducing prices during the last year. In this sense, as detailed in the Regulations, the entities may coordinate among themselves, or be represented by the ChileCompra Directorate in the tender of goods and services in the corresponding industries. Specifically, in 2020 the aggregation of demand for the leasing of printers, electrical energy, medical equipment, medical supplies, 5G network, enteral food, satisfaction survey, vehicle insurance, surveillance service and radiotaxi service for entities will be managed. public. |