Work Detail |
Missouri American Water, an American Water unit, has upgraded the Rogue Creek wastewater system in a bid to improve the plant’s efficiency. The more than $350,000 upgrades included new sewer lines and electrical equipment, along with safety system improvements. Missouri American Water noted that the majority of the wastewater treatment plant components needed replacement or upgrade. The company primarily replaced the old, leaking sewer line to the treatment plant with a new influent line. During the upgrade period, the waste was pumped and hauled to another treatment facility to avoid inconvenience for customers. The company added that the existing structure of the plant was reused, instead of reconstructing the plant completely. It replaced all internal components and installed a new walkway and platform with continuous handrails to ensure safety over a creek. Installations comprised a new service panel to support branch circuits and new perimeter lights. New process equipment and blowers were added to boost plant treatment and overall efficiency. Missouri American Water president Debbie Dewey said: “When a water or sewer system has been neglected and under-invested in for years, as was the case in Rogue Creek, it usually needs quite a bit of work to get it back into compliance and running properly. “We are proud that Missouri American Water can help struggling systems improve their safety and reliability while keeping rates affordable due to our strong technical expertise and economies of scale.” The company acquired the Rogue Creek water and wastewater systems in December last year, gaining nearly 85 new water and wastewater customers. Missouri American Water is said to deliver water and/or wastewater services to around 1.5 million people. |