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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 27048

Procurement News Notice

PNN 27048
Work Detail The governor of Chubut, Mariano Arcioni, together with the Mayor Sergio Ongarato, presided in the Government House Situation Room, the opening of envelopes of Public Bid No. 11/19 for the expansion of the Secondary Level School No. 767, II stage of Esquel. The work includes an official budget of $ 21,352,251 and a deadline of 450 calendar days. The Minister of Infrastructure, Energy and Planning, Gustavo Aguilera and Education, Andrés Meiszner, undersecretaries, businessmen and special guests participated in the event. The notary General of Government, Marcelo Lizurume proceeded to open envelopes, where the companies were presented: Pasquini Construcciones for an amount of $ 20,737,041, 66 and Esquel Construcciones that offered $ 24,743,764.67. In this context, the Governor of Chubut said that “every opening of tenders is important because in this way we are demonstrating that the State does not stop in meaningless discussions. We are here to be responsible and work for each Chubutense, beyond the political colors. ” “The previous year was problematic, where School No. 735 exploded after years of neglect, all school infrastructure works for years were not made or maintained. We also had investments close to 70 million; so far this year we already have orders for 84 million pesos in maintenance works, ”said the president. Concrete actions Arcioni added that soon we will be calling for bids for new establishments, such as the School No. 20 that we tendered a few weeks ago, where for years there was no repair or maintenance. “We are also working on homes, which are added to those that we have already delivered in Esquel, those that are running, in the province we project for this year more than 1,300 homes. This is what the State is about, not wanting to lock ourselves into issues that lead to nothing, ”he said. Millionaire investment in school infrastructure Meanwhile, the Minister of Infrastructure, Energy and Planning, Gustavo Aguilera, said that “this is another important act, because we continue to show the lines of work that the Governor has marked in regards to school maintenance, classroom expansion and with everything that allows us to have a school infrastructure in conditions for this 2020 school year. ” Likewise, the provincial official remarked that “during the year 2019 we have invested 119 million pesos in the educational field, and so far in January of this year alone, we already have purchase orders for executions made for 84 million pesos in 50 schools, leaving aside the logic of the patch, and carrying out the corresponding maintenance and arrangements, so that everything is in good condition ”. “In the same way that we started with the construction of classrooms at Rawson School No. 20, we are putting out to tender the extensions of Esquel School No. 767, we will tender the school No. 7,727 of El Hoyo, the extension of school No. 7,707 of Puerto Madryn that was left without effect and the school N ° 7,717 and the Teacher Training Center of Comodoro Rivadavia, and many others that will allow us to exceed 300 million investments throughout the year, ”said the Minister. It will allow a better service to education For his part, the mayor of Esquel, Sergio Ongarato, thanked “on behalf of the educational community of the School No. 767 for being closer to the expansion that is an important demand. It will allow to provide a better service to education for all the children who attend it ”. “We know that we are in a difficult time, but nevertheless working together and as far as possible, things are taking shape. Last year we had with Minister Aguilera an issue that fortunately we can say that it is practically concrete, which is the refurbishment of School No. 735, which was very problematic but today we see it painted, with the roof changed, with a solution for this community educational, ”said the Mayor. “This is a concrete sample that in complex times we still work for them, from the Municipality with the procedures asking for the works, Province fulfilling the steps so that the works can be carried out,” concluded Ongarato. Extension The current building has three floors where Secondary School No. 767 operates, in morning shift on the upper level and in the lower one, Primary School No. 205, while at night the 809 Institute operates. The area to be enlarged is 518.74 m2, and will have a new access hall, new internal staircase, entrance table, library, reception room, two common classrooms, emergency exit stairs to the outside, storage room and machine room .
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 14 Feb 2020

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