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20 December 2019 In November, DevelopmentAid members accessed over 5000 new tender notices which were identified and posted by the company’s Data Management Department. From the total number of 5219 tenders, almost 3700 were ‘Open’ tenders and 956 had the ‘Awarded’ status, meaning a winning bidder had been named. At the same time, African and Asian countries were the TOP geographical destinations for tender notices. In this article we highlight the geographical spread and the top sectors of tender notices posted in November by DevelopmentAid. Which regions attracted the most funding from the donor community? Over 35%, or 2350 of the total tenders, concerned developing countries on the African continent. Ethiopia, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Kenya and Niger were the TOP-5 African countries where the donor community announced future funding opportunities. The second most targeted geographical region was Asia, with almost 33% of the posted tenders linked to this continent. It is worth mentioning that there are more future international projects intended for India, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia than for the leading African ‘awarded’ countries. At the opposite end of the scale, Northern America is the least targeted region by donors with only 120 notices which equates to 1.9% of the ‘Open’ tender notices in November. Analysis of the sectors targeted by donors Although there are tenders which relate to several inter-connected sectors, DevelopmentAid identifies and counts all of them. The most targeted sectors in November were ‘Civil Engineering’, ‘Information and Communication Technology’, ‘Industry, Commerce & Services’, ‘Water & Sanitation’ and ‘Training’. There were over 2500 tender notices related to these sectors last month. For the same period, sectors such as ‘Environment’, ‘Health’, ‘Energy’ and ‘Agriculture’ were surprisingly in the middle of the pack while ‘Education’, ‘Gender’, ‘Pollution and Waste management’ and ‘Human rights’ featured even less in the November tender notices. The ‘Culture’ sector, with only 5 tender notices, was the least targeted by donors in November. Taking advantage of business intelligence From the total tender notices posted, an ‘Early Intelligence’ and ‘Forecasted’ status was attributed to over 540 tenders by DevelopmentAid Data analysts. “Tender announcements are different from grant announcements” stated Felicia Troia, the leading team manager of the company’s Data Management Department. “The competition for tender contracts is much higher and companies need to know information about a future funding opportunity as soon as possible. Our department continuously monitors all the relevant sources, such as Country Strategy Papers and Monthly Operational Summaries, from the biggest donors such as the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, in order to provide early intelligence on a certain imminent opportunity as well as forecasted tenders in a sector or country”, added Felicia Troia. According to Sergiu Casu, the Business Development Director of DevelopmentAid, this information is designed to aid the strategic thinking and planning which is undertaken by companies working in the International Development Sector. “Imagine you know about the intention of a certain donor to announce a tender later in the year. You are one step ahead of the competition then because you have time to approach the best consortium partner and experts for the bid. Therefore, your company’s chances of winning the bid are higher”, explained Casu. Information about the tender notices identifies and posted was compiled using the DevelopmentAid platform – the ultimate tool for companies and consultants working in the International Development Sector. You can easily become a member of the platform and unlock your potential by choosing whichever option is the most suitable for you as an individual, organization or donor. |