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Vietnam Procurement News Notice - 25090

Procurement News Notice

PNN 25090
Work Detail Wednesday, November 13, 2019 14:00 (CP) - Thanh Hoa Provincial Peoples Committee has just provided feedback on the verification of denunciations related to the Project Management Unit to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change for communities. Vietnam coastal vulnerability (GCF) Thanh Hoa province. The verification results show that, in the process of evaluating bids (Bids), the expert team of bidder negligence in the typing process, leading to the conclusion that the Bidding Documents of the contractor failed but this contractor still won the bid. Admit negligence In order to verify the accusation that the GCF and the bidding unit, the contractor cooperates with each other in bidding packages (No. 05 and 06) of the Project to enhance resilience to the impacts of gas change. for the vulnerable coastal communities in Vietnam, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Thanh Hoa province - the component project agency in the province has established a denunciation verification team. The verification results confirmed: There is one content of the personnel assessment that concludes that it is unsuccessful but the contractor is still successful, but this is an error due to negligence in the typing process of the Expert Group. Specifically, reflecting that the consulting unit has deliberately failed to review the personnel records of the contractors of the Joint Stock Company for Construction and Ecological Irrigation - Institute of Ecology and Protection of Works, Complaints for That, this is a consortium profile, so it is necessary to clearly define the tasks for each member of the consortium, but when declaring personnel, this unit uses personnel of another unit to execute. So, is the construction personnel real or not, especially when the results of the personnel assessment conclude that it is not reached but the consortium still wins the bid? According to the verification results, based on the requirements in the bidding dossier (Bidding Documents) on technical personnel in charge of direct construction, the Expert Group reports the results of Bid evaluation for the proposed personnel fully satisfied. Applicable to Bidding Documents. Referring to the Prime Ministers Directive No. 47 / CT-TTg on reorganizing bidding work in development investment projects and regular procurement activities using state capital, the Delegation Team said that, The contractor consortium has proposed specific personnel for each position of the contractor to meet the requirements of the Bidding Documents. Therefore, the content of the accusation is unfounded. However, during the preparation of the report, the Expert Group assessed that the content of the direct construction personnel was unsatisfactory, but after checking, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development realized that this was a mistake due to a mistake in the typing process. Project Management Unit and Investor could not detect during the document inspection. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will direct relevant departments, departments and individuals to seriously review and draw experience, said the Peoples Committee of Thanh Hoa province. Confirmed not to bid Regarding the other contents mentioned in the Complaint, the verification results are conclusive, the denunciations are unfounded. For example, reflecting that the bidding consultancy unit set up an expert group with unrealistic staff, especially bidding experts who do not have a practicing certificate for bidding activities. Test results show that, according to the provisions of Decree No. 63/2014 / ND-CP in special cases requiring opinions of specialized experts, these experts are not required to have training certificates. about bidding. “Therefore, it is not contrary to the bidding law when the consultancy consultancy unit invites Le Van Dong, an expert in forestry, who does not have a bidding practice certificate. Therefore, the content of the accusation is unfounded ”, Doan verified the conclusion. Regarding reflection, the consulting unit has deliberately shook hands with the contractor and the project management unit of the province to cheat to clear the contract, not ensure fairness and transparency in bidding activities, and verification results. affirmation, the denunciation content has no basis. Through checking the Bid dossier of the consortium of winning bidders, the similar contracts ensure the volume according to the Bidding Documents. Therefore, the Verification Team affirmed that the Bidding Documents were evaluated by the Expert Group in accordance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
Country Vietnam , South Eastern Asia
Industry Services
Entry Date 25 Nov 2019

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