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The United States offers public procurement opportunities on the site, according to a report from the World Trade Organization (WTO).
In , a website designed to disseminate information on contracts, donations, loans and financial assistance as provided in the Accountability and Transparency in Federal Financing Act of 2006, information is provided on the total expenditure of the Federal Government, mainly on contracts, donations, loans and other financial assistance at a federal level of more than $ 25,000, excluding tax credits and housing, rent, food or personal expenses.
To this end, federal agencies provide at least twice a month information on contracts, donations, loans, direct payments and other related information, which is published on the site.
Public procurement, demand
The information also comes from or is obtained from other government systems, for example, the Federal-New Generation Hiring Data System (FPDS-NG).
In fiscal year 2017, the total expenditure of the Federal Government rose to 4.9 billion dollars. Public procurement expenditures rose to $ 507.9 billion, and the Departments of Defense, Energy, Ex-combatant Affairs, Health and Social Services, and Homeland Security were the five main contracting agencies.283 In fiscal year 2018, the Total government spending as of March 31, 2018 amounted to more than $ 3.2 billion.
Statistics on public procurement activities of the main agencies at the federal level are contained in the Federal Procurement Data System - New Generation (FPDS-NG), which keeps the GSA under the direction of the OFPP. The GSA operates through multiple electronic contracting systems that serve as support to gather and disseminate information on federal public contracts, for example, awards, contractor performance and integrity, with a single access point for hiring opportunities, which is known as Federal Business Opportunities (Geobioss).
Other contracts
In November 2017, the United States notified certain statistical data related to the 2015 fiscal year under Article XIV paragraph 4 of the revised ACP. With regard to federal contracting, notified values are broken down into open procedures and limited procedures for contracting construction goods, services and services; the notified partial total rose to 142.2 billion dollars. As for the sub-central entities, namely the 37 states that apply the ACP, the estimated public procurement rose to 510,950 million dollars; and as for the other entities included in Annex 3, the total expenditure amounted to S 14,940 million. |