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In order to ensure the award of public tenders to certain companies, the audit reports of the Court of Accounts took place. The games played on public tenders, which are the means of transferring rent to the pro-rival companies during the AKP administrations, were explained in the audit reports of the Court of Accounts. The government gives public tenders to certain companies by making use of exceptions such as “natural disaster, disease, epidemic, and the nature of the work iktidar, as well as blocking the tender process from the beginning and enabling a limited number of companies to participate in the tender. In the External Audit General Evaluation Report of the Court of Accounts, the procedures regarding the distribution of public tenders to the names close to the power were explained under the title of Rekabet Finding the Restrictions on Competition in Tenders Performed by Public Administrations.. According to the news of Nurcan Gökdemir BirGün; Under the article titled “Basic Principles un of the Public Procurement Law, the report underlined that the administrations are held responsible for the transparency, competition, equal treatment, reliability, confidentiality, public supervision, meeting the needs under appropriate conditions and ensuring the efficient use of the resources in the tenders: “Requesting information and documents in the audits beyond the limitations of public procurement legislation, limiting the participation of tenderers in tenders, keeping the definition of göre similar work göre narrow according to the subject of the tender, searching for the condition that certain machines, equipment and equipment belong to the tenderer to participate in the tender, documents forming the tender document and there are deficiencies in the implementation projects especially in the construction works where turnkey lump sum is offered. These situations were considered to limit competition by preventing broad participation in tenders. ” FROM GARBAGE COLLECTION TO COLLECTIVE TRANSPORT The report also included determinations related to other transactions made contrary to the tender legislation. Some of these findings are as follows: - Transfer of the collection of packaging wastes to companies without issuing tenders and generating income, - Conducting the public transport business without a tender or not specifying the time period in the tenders, - Renting of municipality immovables without tendering. DIRECT SUPPLY EXCEEDED IN PURCHASES One of the violations that auditors frequently witnessed was “Procurement through direct procurement and bargaining olan, which is the most subject of claims of annuity transfer by pushing legal limits. In these purchases, the legal limit, which is 10 percent of the appropriations, was exceeded without the permission of the Public Procurement Board, and some administrations did not comply with this limitation. |