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Czech Republic Procurement News Notice - 23237

Procurement News Notice

PNN 23237
Work Detail The capital city of Prague began reconstruction of the Kunratice pond Šeberák. This is another event within the long-term project “Restoration and Revitalization of Prague Reservoirs”. The action includes mud removal and repair of the dam, discharge facility and safety spillway. “The aim of the reconstruction is to restore the pond, because technically its dam and safety spill were no longer suitable. This reconstruction will also improve the water quality, in particular the reduction of cyanobacteria. Prague residents will thus get another water area for recreation and bathing, ” says the Deputy Mayor of Prague. Petr Hlubucek. With its area of ??10 ha, the Šeberák Pond is the largest water area on the Kunratický brook and is one of the largest water areas in Prague. At present the original damaged safety spillway is demolished and the sediment is weighed. The Šeberák pond became the property of the capital in 2017, when it was bought from a private owner. In the same year, the project preparation started and in the spring of 2019 a valid building permit was issued for the construction. By the end of 2019, about 30,000 will be removed from the pond. m 3 of sediment. In some places, the sediment layer is even more than 1.5 meters high. As part of the reconstruction of the pond, a general reconstruction of the existing drain and safety spillway will be carried out. The leading face of the dam will be inclined to a more gradual slope and fortified with stone pavement. Other reconstructed buildings will also be lined with stone and the overflow edge of the safety overflow will be made of shaped stones - so-called stone cutters. There will also be bird islands, which will provide peace and background for life and reproduction of many species of birds and other animals. Another, no less important goal of the reconstruction is the effort to improve the water quality in the pond. It is one of Pragues largest natural pools and has been struggling with cyanobacteria in the past. In order to further improve the quality of water flowing into Šeberák, the Olšanský and Nový ponds, which are located on its tributaries, were muddy and reconstructed in 2018. “It is expected that the pond will be refilled next year. The total cost of the reconstruction is CZK 18 million, ” adds Deputy Deputy Hlubucek.
Country Czech Republic , Eastern Europe
Industry Construction
Entry Date 30 Aug 2019

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