Work Detail |
Public entities - ministries, services, hospitals, municipalities, universities and FF.AA.- issued a total of 1,077,135 purchase orders between January and June 2019 on the public procurement platform . MSMEs lead sales in ChileCompra with US $ 3,022 million traded. Through collaborative purchases, 49 million dollars of savings were generated in the first half of 2019. During the first half of 2019, the total amounts traded by state agencies through the ChileCompra platform,, reached US $ 5.916 million (3.9 million million pesos). Public entities - ministries, services, hospitals, municipalities, universities and FF.AA.- issued 1,077,135 purchase orders on the public procurement platform, to more than 52,902 suppliers, 90% of which are micro and small businesses . The total number of transacting suppliers, that is to say that they issued offers, quoted and / or received a purchase order, was 77 thousand during the 1st semester. It should be remembered that the purchase orders at, from which the amounts are calculated, correspond to commitments and not to payments from State agencies. Through Marco Agreements - the largest virtual store in the country - public agencies made purchases for more than US $ 1,274 million (861,086 million pesos). MSMEs lead sales with US $ 3,022 million traded As for the participation by amounts, MSMEs (micro, small and medium) reached 51% in the period, a figure that is equivalent to more than three times the participation of this segment in the national economy (15%), which amounts to USD 3,022 million (2 million pesos). Regarding the regions, MSMEs reach 69% participation and highlights the regions of Bío-Bío (US $ 312,092,954), Valparaíso (US $ 264,841,270) and Araucanía (US $ 185,663,525) This regional participation It is 4 times higher than that of this segment in the national economy (15%). Savings of US $ 49 million thanks to a new model of Collaborative Purchases Product of a new line of work that aims at a better use of public resources with lower prices and greater savings for the State through aggregation of demand, ChileCompra led collaborative purchases with the coordination of 59 central government agencies and the entire health network, which allowed savings for the State of 22% equivalent to US $ 49 million. Together with entities of the Central Government and the Health sector, coordinated and centralized collaborative purchases were made to obtain greater efficiency in prices for purchases of electric energy, mobile telephony, purchase and rental of computers, knee prostheses, diapers for adults, satisfaction study of users, fuel and liquefied gas, meats. Purchases of hip prostheses, enteral foods, medical devices and clinical oxygen are currently underway. Buyer organizations and busiest items During this first semester, hospitals and health services (42.6%), municipalities (23.9%) and central government (23.7%) are the ones that make purchases and contracts the most. |