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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 22723

Procurement News Notice

PNN 22723
Work Detail The company of the Techint Group and CGC prevailed in the compulsa against the offer presented by Transportadora Gas del Sur. The hiring is for a period of 10 years, with an option to extend for up to 5 years. IEASA will formalize that the company Transportadora Gas del Norte (TGN), of the Techint Group and the CGC company, was awarded in the tender to handle the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the Northeast Argentine Gas Pipeline (GNEA), sources EconoJournal confirmed officers. TGN prevailed in the tender against the offer presented by Transportadora Gas del Sur, controlled by Pampa Energía and the Sielecki-Werthein families. IEASA had called in May of last year potential bidders and other market players to form the tender specifications. Once the consultation period has elapsed, in April of this year, a call for bids was requested to move forward with the contracting of the operation and maintenance service of the gas pipeline in the provinces of Santa Fe and Chaco, with their corresponding underground and surface infrastructures for a period 10 years, with option to extend for up to 5 years. The specifications and conditions stipulate in its clause 5 that “the contractor will be remunerated from the commercial exploitation of the gas pipeline, therefore, the price to be paid will depend on the monthly measurements in each EMR enabled (Pressure measurement and regulation station with all its associated components), the contractor committing to fully comply with the required deliveries or requested services, according to the technical requirements ”. The deadline for the presentation and opening of offers was initially scheduled for May 20, but through Circular No. 7 IEASA extended it until June 11. Finally, TGN and TGS remained in the race, with the firm commanded by Techint having been imposed. The trunk sections of the GNEA that cross Santa Fe and Chacho were enabled since late last year after the technical tests were completed in October. However, the work still does not serve, which in February motivated a claim from the government of the province of Santa Fe. “This is a very important investment, there is a fortune underground, but it does not give people benefits. And it has been half a year ... We ask those who have to make a decision that is more executive, this affects us from Santa Fe and the Chaqueños: the tubes are full of gas to Roque Sáenz Peña (Chaco), the tests were done, the The work ended in October and we are still waiting, ”said Santa Fe Secretary of Energy Verónica Geese in mid-February. Initially it was also planned that the pipeline would reach the provinces of Formosa, Corrientes and Misiones, but last year the government confirmed that the work will not be completed. We really dont have the capacity to do it today, thats why those works are postponed, said IEASA head Mario MarioAqua in August last year.
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Aug 2019

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