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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 22710

Procurement News Notice

PNN 22710
Work Detail In the last four years they awarded projects for about 1.8 billion pesos. They also participated in the purchase of the land sold by the municipal administration. A group of at least seven companies based in the area are the owners of public works in the city of Neuquén. Individually or in temporary business unions, the most important tenders of the fifteen years of management of the mayor Horacio Quiroga were presented and won. There are a handful of other smaller companies that participated in compulsory for less value or added their capital and their work to larger works, together with the largest and largest capital firms. But what is common to all is that their social reasons are repeated in almost all public tenders that leave the municipal Executive, which leads Quiroga. The new municipal building, the paralyzed Avenida De Los Ríos and the second part of the Metrobús are the developments that are still underway. In that period of time the construction company Roque Mocciola was the least involved in public works. But he took one of the emblematic projects of municipal management: the new building of the municipality in the west for at least $ 365 million. This construction company began printing its brand since 2003 when it won the tender for the construction of the Neuquina headquarters of the National Museum of Fine Arts, which at that time was valued at 2.3 million pesos. Mocciola also built the Legislature building, the supermarket and the shopping center of Doctor Ramón and buildings on the coast of the Limay River. In the period between 2016 and 2019, the CN Sapag Neuquén firm obtained the highest monetary volume by winning six of the 56 public tenders for the execution of public works. The total amount amounts to just over 471 million pesos for the first and second stage of the Metrobús, mitigation works and gutter. In all it was presented individually. Profile, a company based in Centenario and dedicated to real estate developments, oil services and infrastructure works, was in second place in the winning bidding firms. During the mentioned period, he obtained more than 258 million pesos for the execution of pavement, azudes and gutter. He was also awarded the work of the first stage of De Los Ríos Avenue, which today is paralyzed by a judicial protection. Profile was the one that built the Centennial racetrack. In the list of companies that carry out the majority of the works in the capital, the construction company Arco also appears in the center of Neuquén. Since 2016 he won eleven tenders, which totaled a total of 194.4 million pesos. He made pavement works and structural package of several neighborhoods, canal construction, gutter and street opening. This year she was in charge of building the preferential lanes for public transport on Sarmiento Street and the transfer center in the east of the city. Servipet, also based in Centenario, is dedicated to engineering works, soil movements and transport services. In the capital it was awarded several asphalt works in several sectors, for a total of 191.9 million pesos. Basaa that previously had Britos as its corporate name, was submitted and won tenders for the construction of storm drains, runoff, canals and gutter. The Municipality also awarded him the construction of the preferential lanes of the Metrobús, in its first stage. All these works represent a total of 139.4 million pesos. To complete the sextet of signatures, Codam, based in the city of Neuquén, was in charge of the urbanization of the plateau and the Parque Talero neighborhood. In the last four years he obtained a final amount of 119.5 million pesos for two tenders. One was for “complementary services, rainwater” in Toma Norte and the other “Obras Rincón del Valle, complementary services”. The list of decrees includes other firms that monopolize the execution but in a smaller proportion than the previous ones: Arven, Omega, RJ Ingeniería and Lautec. In the middle is also the Hormiquén company. These names appear in some decrees associated with the largest firms to issue a larger proposal. As an example, last year CNSapag formed a joint venture with Omega and won the tender to carry out mitigation works and urban equipment for the neighborhoods. Interested in land In the framework of what public work means, as a part of the construction companies are developers, they are the same that are also presented each time the Municipality puts fiscal land on sale. In July 2018, CN Sapag, Hormiquén, Codam and Servipet formed a joint venture with Condominio Loup SRL, Emcopat SA, Braco SRL and EYM SA Condominium were the winners of a valuable land plot, mostly in the northern part of the city . The values ??to which the fractions were sold were from 940,000 pesos to 35,715,000 pesos. On that date, Roque Mocciola bought from the Municipality the land of Richieri and Bahía Blanca, where the first slaughterhouse of the capital worked. For the 18,584 square meters, the company paid almost 47 million pesos. There he will build a housing complex. In numbers
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Aug 2019

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