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ECHA invites stakeholders to publicly consult on harmonized classification and labeling proposals by 5 July 2019 (published by ECHA on 6 May 2019). Public consultation on the proposal for harmonized classification and labeling of chemicals illustration photo / pixabay News30.05.2019MIT CR / ECHA Share ECHA has launched a public consultation on a harmonized classification and labeling proposal for the following chemicals: 2- (2-methoxyethoxy) ethanol (EC 203-906-6; CAS 111-77-3). The Netherlands proposes to tighten the current harmonized classification of the substance to reproductive toxicant 1B (formerly Repr.2); pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide, sodium salt; pyrithione sodium; sodium pyrithione (EC 223-296-5, 240-062-8; CAS 3811-73-2, 15922-78-8). It is an active substance which is mainly used as a preservative and disinfectant in biocidal products; The substance does not have a harmonized classification in Annex VI to CLP. Sweden proposes to classify a substance as: explosive, flammable, self-reactive, pyrophoric, self-heating, releases flammable gas, oxidising, corrosive to metals, acutely toxic, corrosive / irritant to skin, seriously damaging / irritating to skin, sensitizing skin, in contact with water mutagenic, carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction, specific target organ toxicant and dangerous for the aquatic environment; methyl methacrylate methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate; methyl 2-methylpropenoate (EC 201-297-1, CAS 80-62-6). France suggests adding a class of respiratory sensitization hazard to the current harmonized classification. Interested parties may submit comments by 5 July 2019 in English in the form of an electronic form in the CLH Table of Consultation on the ECHA website where further details are provided for each substance. At the same time, we ask Czech entities that will contribute to the public consultation to send their opinions to the Ministry of Industry and Trade at . |