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Chile Procurement News Notice - 21212

Procurement News Notice

PNN 21212
Work Detail The Navy, DGAC and SAG added their demand and made a joint purchase of 800 computers for a total value of 449 million pesos. Central government agencies are called to participate in collaborative purchases by signing an agreement that allows them to buy standardized goods with more efficiency, price savings and process optimization. This aggregation of demand was made through a competitive process of Gran Compra de Convenio Marco ID 45210 at , which was coordinated by the ChileCompra Directorate and the Chilean Navy, the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) participated. ) and the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG). The budget of this purchase was $ 583 million pesos for the acquisition of 800 computers (desktop, laptop and all in one), which was published for all suppliers awarded in the Framework Agreement of Hardware, Software and RED, ID 2239- 7-LP14. The participation of 19 suppliers of the Framework Agreement was achieved, selecting the offer of Dell Computer Chile Ltda. For a total value of $ 449,587,071, which meant a saving of 23% with respect to the estimate. To achieve this objective of efficiency, differentiation technical specifications were used by technology ranges that standardized the requirements of each public body in the framework agreement shop . This standardization work is the result of joint work between the ChileCompra Directorate and the Budget Office (DIPRES). How to participate in collaborative purchases This purchase is part of the new collaborative purchasing model that ChileCompra installed and that aims to achieve effective savings for the Treasury through the aggregation of demand and the use of economies of scale. It is an initiative that is part of the state modernization plan promoted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency. Collaborative purchases are carried out through Tenders and / or Grand Purchases of the Framework Agreement, which are published in the Public Market to allow the participation of all the suppliers registered and qualified to conduct business with the State. The Ministries, Sub-Secretariats and Services of the Central Government are called to adhere to collaborative purchases in order to achieve high effective savings for the Treasury through the aggregation of demand . This guideline is contemplated in the Presidential Instruction on Austerity and Efficiency in the use of public resources of February 2019, which instructs the State Administration agencies to coordinate purchases of goods and services when they can be acquired due to their characteristics. jointly generating savings and synergies for the State. To participate in collaborative purchases, the institutions must adhere through the following document available at and communicate with the ChileCompra Directorate through the e-mail: . In 2019, collaborative purchases have already been made in Mobile Telephony, Communication Campaigns and Computers, obtaining savings of $ 267 million for the State. Currently, the purchases of Computer Leases, Computer Purchases and Mobile Telephony Services are open, to which the Central Government agencies were invited to join. During the year 2018 there were nine collaborative purchases for more than 27 billion pesos (US $ 41 million), achieving savings of close to 4.8 billion pesos (US $ 7 million, 15% compared to the initial estimated amount of purchase) to obtain better prices and / or commercial conditions with the aggregation of demand in the acquisition of meat, office supplies, toiletries, software licenses and electricity supply.
Country Chile , South America
Industry Financial Services
Entry Date 14 May 2019

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