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El Economista América.- In the Cajamarca region, public entities have increased the use of new technologies to perform their procurement of goods and services, a circumstance that has allowed them to advance from the thirteenth place, in 2017, to the sixth location at the national, in 2018, in acquisitions through the electronic catalogs of the Central Public Procurement (Peru Purchases). Fernando Masumura Tanaka, head of Peru Purchases, specified that Cajamarquina entities contracted through this electronic tool for an amount of S / 25.5 million, issuing 3,526 purchase orders for this purpose. He added that the items of greatest demand are useful for desk, paper, cardboard, toiletries and toilet; desktop computers, laptops and scanners; printers and consumables; humanitarian aid goods, among others. We basically do what we do is develop hiring tools in such a way that the public buyer has more facility to be able to buy. Our core business is electronic purchasing, Fernando Masumura told the local press, in the framework of the talk PERU COMPRAS Modernization of systems in public procurement that was held in this region, directed public servants, suppliers and citizens . MORE TRANSPARENCY AND LESS CORRUPTION In another moment, Fernando Masumura pointed out that the electronic tools of Perú Compras guarantee transparency and the fight against corruption in the contracting of the State. Corruption occurs in those two moments. When in the purchasing entity someone makes use of the discretion, or power of choice, to create a reference term or a technical specification that could generate a purchase addressed to a supplier. That first moment generates that risk which is a risk of corruption, he said. He added that a second time, for the risk of corruption, is when the body in charge of contracting or the committee adjudicates the good pro, chooses a supplier and it could be the case that, for this, it made arbitrary eliminations to the competition. and it was awarded to a supplier who should not win. That risk of corruption is eliminated with electronic contracting and standardization, he said. During the talk Modernization of systems in public procurement that took place in Cajamarca, Peru specialists Purchases reported on how to sell to the State through electronic catalogs, the benefits of corporate purchases, timely payment to suppliers and the Approval Sheets and Reverse Auction Technical Sheets. Information was also provided about the electronic quotation, virtual application that allows to reduce the time of the preparatory actions to initiate the public purchase, and explained the operability of Peru Observa, a digital transparency tool for citizen control. |