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• The collaborative purchases are an initiative that is part of the state modernization plan promoted by the Presidency, the Ministry of Finance and ChileCompra and which aims to generate effective savings, so that -in this case-, health services can focus Spending completely on patients. • The strategy involved the creation of a committee of experts responsible for the identification of the products and services mostly used in the establishments, in order to achieve standardization. Santiago, April 09, 2019.- The San Borja Arriarán Clinical Hospital was the health facility that Undersecretaries of Assistive Networks Luis Castillo, of Hacienda Francisco Moreno and the Director (s) of ChileCompra Dora Ruiz, defined to make known the most of 2,120 million pesos saved by the health sector in 2018, thanks to the strategy of Collaborative Purchasing. Of the 2,120 million savings in toiletries, desk and toner in 2018, approximately 800 correspond to the accounting year 2019, in a strategy that considered standardizing procedures and take advantage of economies of scale and thus save to devote greater budget to the health care of users, said Assistant Secretary of Healthcare Networks, Luis Castillo , who added that to give us an idea, three billion pesos is equivalent to the construction of a cesfam of 3 thousand square meters, he said. “Para este año, lo proyectado es ahorrar casi 9 mil millones de pesos, lo que podría significar sacar a tres mil pacientes que están esperando una artroplastia de cadera, por lo tanto toda actividad que conlleve a mejorar las prestaciones de salud que perciben las personas, es una que implementaremos en el corto plazo. Si a esto, sumamos la proyección para el período 2020, podríamos estar hablando de hasta 18 mil millones de pesos en ahorro para el sector salud”, dijo Castillo. For his part, the Undersecretary of Finance, Francisco Moreno , said that for the Ministry of Finance is great news, because these collaborative purchases allow us as a State to access products at a lower price, than through the aggregate demand for goods or multiple services we can obtain better prices for all. President Piñera has mandated us for public resources to be invested in the best possible way and, on that basis, the austerity instruction, for example, is another measure that allows us to generate resources that go directly in the line of benefiting a better hospital care and cover the various needs we have, he said. Meanwhile, the director (s) of ChileCompra, Dora Ruiz, said that the institution is today focused on detecting spaces to maximize efficiency and savings in prices for the State. In the case of health, the greatest value that we give to this experience is that we achieved, through a working group, to coordinate more than 29 Health Services and their 261 Hospitals, in a joint effort to achieve standardization and obtain the best prices. We develop market studies, identify purchasing opportunities and support the implementation of methodologies for calculating results, that is, savings, which allow us to focus our efforts. This is an example of what we should continue to do in all sectors, the Central Government and all the ministries in order to optimize purchases in such a way that we obtain the most efficient prices and the best products for the State explained Dora Ruiz. The strategy The purchasing strategy maintains the successful delivery of savings in the short term. On the other hand, the role of collaborative purchases from the central level has a fundamental role in the supply chain, access to innovation of products and services offered by suppliers and cost reduction in the State. As stated by Mauricio Verdejo, Head of the Budget Division of the Minsal, the management carried out considered the standardization of the purchasing units, the standardization of products purchased by aggregation of demand, measures to commit the budget according to purchases and the current budgetary classifier and focus purchases towards innovation and use of current technologies, said Verdejo, adding that in this way we saved 18% on desk items, 16.5% on toiletries and 25 % in printer toner, generating an average saving of 19.2% overall . According to Undersecretary Castillo, in this way we have achieved greater coordination and work in the financial teams of the network as well as in the finance, supply and logistics units, he said. Projected results for the 2019 period According to the statements made by both undersecretaries, for this year the objectives are focused on hospital production and operation and the acquisition of items such as hip prostheses, clinical supplies, food and diapers, ensuring standardization of all processes. In this way, monetary savings of approximately MCh $ 18 billion are expected for Health and, on the other hand, Chilecompra plans to save MM $ 36,638 distributed between 2019 and 2020 at the national level, while at the same time monitoring of the use of collaborative purchases, by health facilities. |