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Spain Procurement News Notice - 20433

Procurement News Notice

PNN 20433
Work Detail The 2019 contract plan contemplates an expenditure of the municipal public sector of 195 million euros The Law on Public Sector Contracts of 2017 recommends that the participation of small and medium enterprises in municipal contracting be facilitated, for which it invites the municipalities to make available to them advance information so that they can prepare the hiring in those who are interested. With the intention of complying with this norm, the town council of Valladolid approved at the meeting of the government on March 13 its annual hiring plan for 2019, in which he took the opportunity to remember that Óscar Puentes team self-imposed this obligation two years before the law came into force. The contracting instruction of the City of Valladolid to promote socially efficient hiring has maintained the obligation to include in this planning all the hiring of its public sector that is not processed through minor contracts, they said. Local companies, said the mayor, get two out of every three contracts signed by the City Council, which in the current year includes an expenditure of the municipal public sector of 195 million euros. «Valladolid City Council is the public entity that holds the most contracts with SMEs throughout the European Union, with percentages three times higher than the average for Spain -28% compared to 80% in Valladolid City Council in 2018-, doubling the European average, of 35% », stands out in the plan. In addition, most of the investments planned in the plan will be awarded to companies in Valladolid, because in 2018, 63% of all contracts of the municipality were awarded to companies in Valladolid, said Puente, who argues that with this actively contributes from the city council of the city to promote our business sector ». Indicative guidelines In the opinion of the government team, in addition, this allows greater competition and with it greater competition and better offers. With the objective of facilitating the participation of local SMEs in the contracting of the municipal public sector, the municipal contracting instruction provides that the annual hiring plan will be communicated as soon as it is published by e-mail, with a link to it, to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Valladolid, the Confederation Vallisoletana de Empresarios and the Associations of any type of SMEs, self-employed workers, cooperatives, or professional associations of the municipality that request it ». However, sources of the Chamber of Commerce said that for the moment said plan has not yet been shared with the institution cameral. In any case, the document, which is published on the municipal website, emphasizes in its preamble that it serves to facilitate the programming of the work in the different services to arrive on time to the contracts that it needs and coordinate among them to unify contracts and avoids managing separately contracts with the same or very similar object and thus achieving not only a possible greater economic efficiency, but also administrative management. The CVE applauds that entrepreneurship is prioritized here, but asks for more As is his duty, the president of the Valladolid employers demands more. But neither do they hurt garments when it comes to recognizing that the City of Valladolid follows a good path. For Ángela de Miguel, head of the Confederación Vallisoletana de Empresarios (CVE), it is a question of justice to give all the legal and possible competitive advantages to small and, in addition, local companies. It is worth remembering that it is not something new either, but it is an initiative that started with the previous municipal team of the PP and that, on the other hand, does nothing but follow European Union guidelines, said De Miguel. In his opinion, the division of the lots to allow the competition to the competitions of the companies that lack the possibilities that the size grants is a good system in which the present corporation is deepening and that works. I hope it goes deeper and all companies can compete on equal opportunities, he added. The annual hiring plan is indicative and informative, which means that it is not a mandatory document, not even minimum, according to the authors. It is logical that during the year new needs may arise not initially contemplated that have to be covered by contracts and also that any of the planned is not made for different reasons, they warn. Main items of the Municipal Contracting Plan in 2019 Social Services: 76.3 million. Integrated Center for attention to dependence: 2.33 million. Day-shift service: 4.20 million. Home help service: 66 million (five years). Construction of the CPM Parquesol: 1.83 million. Environment and Sustainability: 32.9 million. Rehabilitation of the La Rondilla market: 2.06 million. Parks and gardens in the southern and eastern areas: 5.2 million. Supply counters: 1.17 million. Sewer works in the Paseo de Zorrilla: 2 million. WWTP: 1.75 million. Treasury, Public Function and Economic Promotion: 29.8 million. Electricity supply: 26.56 million URBAN Project: Vegetable canopies (271,589 euros), green facade (219,301), green awnings (385,000). Urban Planning and Housing: 16.5 million. Maintenance works for municipal buildings: 1.85. Works of urban regeneration of the ARU October 29: 2.45 million Road safety works in the Camino Viejo de Simancas: 1.4 million Construction of a building with 25 sheltered homes for young people in Avenida de Burgos: 1.90 million. Citizen Participation, Youth and Sports: 16.2 million. Work in H. del Rey, Lalo García and Casa del Deporte: 1.14 million. Work in CD Ciudad de Valladolid, Pilar Fdz. Valderrama, La Rubia and Los Cerros: 11,008,000. Service of teaching swimming lessons: 1.94 million. Gym classes teaching service: 2.03 million. Summer camp management service: 4.12 million. Security and Mobility: 10.9 million. Supply of compressed natural gas: 3.48 million. Insurance: 3,000,000 million Implementation of an information system for the Municipal Police: 900,000 euros. Culture and Tourism: 6.2 million. Curators, receptionists and cultural management support: 2.5 million euros. Infrastructure and technical equipment of the FMC: 2.04 million. Surveillance and security in activities and equipment: 2.02 million. Fair institution of Castilla y León: 4.09 million. Education, Childhood and Equality: 1.68 million. Lifelong learning program: 1,683.2 billion.
Country Spain , Western Europe
Industry Services
Entry Date 26 Mar 2019

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