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Argentina Procurement News Notice - 19653

Procurement News Notice

PNN 19653
Work Detail They seek to continue with the maintenance of routes. More than 55 million pesos for works. They will also open 664 modules for purchase culverts. Through seven tenders, the provincial government will invest heavily in machinery and equipment necessary to improve the maintenance of the routes. In addition, bids for the acquisition of 664 sewer modules will be opened. The total investment exceeds 55 million pesos. The provincial government carries out an important road transformation in the Santa Fe routes, with a deep reach in the 19 departments. In this context, the opening of bids for seven public bids was carried out, for a sum of 38,160,000 pesos, to equip the Provincial Road Department with equipment and machinery, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport announced in a statement. The act was carried out at the headquarters of Vialidad, boulevard Muttis 880 (Santa Fe), where bidders were known for the acquisition of seven 4 × 4 tractors, drag graders, trucks and rolling boxes, among other wheels and machines work. The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, José Garibay, remarked that at the beginning of the administration the governor proposed a strong investment in infrastructure and that goal was advanced. The province invested more than 20 billion pesos to boost the Santa Fe routes because we understand that by optimizing the trafficability of each route, competitiveness and production are improved, and at the same time employment is generated; equipping the management is one more way to support the commitment of Governor Miguel Lifschitz, he said. For his part, the manager of Roads, Pablo Seghezzo, said: In a context of devaluation and inflationary escalation, from the provincial government carried forward the most important road works plan of the last 50 years, and stressed that it is executed with a federal vision and with clear accounts and transparency . In addition, he said that, due to the water emergency scenario, a price contest was called for the acquisition of 664 sewer modules of various sizes, which have a budgeted value of 17 million. Re-equipment plan The first of the planned tenders has an official budget of 3.2 million pesos and will allow the acquisition of a semi-trailer car with 35 tons of payload capacity (latest model), without use. At the next opening of envelopes will be known the offers for the purchase of five new draggers, for an amount of 4.7 million. This will be followed by the tender to acquire 10 fuel tanks of 1,500 liters capacity; with an official budget of 1.3 million. And the fourth carries the highest investment; will be for 19.6 million pesos and will allow the Provincial Department of Roads to have seven new 4 × 4 tractors with closed cab for road use. Then we will know the economic proposals to achieve the acquisition of four new rolling boxes, for an official budget of 3,320,000 pesos. The purchase of a truck type tractor unit will be the subject of the sixth opening of envelopes of that date, for a value of 4.9 million. And the last tender that will take place this month will allow the acquisition of three other haulers, for a budget of 1,140,000 pesos. Road transformation The management of Governor Lifschitz has given an important role to investment in infrastructure, since in the first three years of management the government of Santa Fe has invested more than 20 billion to enhance provincial routes, they say from the Ministry of Infrastructure. An impressive road plan executed with own funds that include the construction of 240 kilometers of new pavements, 1,030 kilometers of repaving and 2,400 kilometers of integral repairs, in addition to 250 kilometers of enripiado to guarantee that the towns can have a safe access in any condition climatic , the official statement was added. For the authorities, it is a road project of magnitude, taking into account that the province has an extension of the network of four thousand kilometers of paved roads. Roads that are of great importance, since more than 80 percent of the countrys agricultural exports go through the ports of the provincial south, where one of the most important oil complexes in the world is located. In this way, it was also specified that a large part of the provinces network acts as a national network. Transporters from Salta, Tucumán, Chaco, Formosa, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, San Luis, and Buenos Aires choose the provincial network before the national one to transfer the exports of grains and their by-products .
Country Argentina , South America
Industry Industrial Equipment
Entry Date 13 Feb 2019

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