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Colombia Procurement News Notice - 19368

Procurement News Notice

PNN 19368
Work Detail Concern has been expressed in Colombia at potential traffic congestion around the new Tunel de Oriente in Antioquia. Existing roads in Baltimore in Medellin and Sajonia in Rionegro are thought to face potential traffic issues once the tunnel opens, as they have not yet been upgraded. The authorities in Rio negro have launched plans to upgrade 29km of link roads for the tunnel. However further works will be required. Some new bridges will also be constructed to help traffic flow. Meanwhile work is starting on the Llanogrande dual carriageway project, which will be carried out by the Devimed consortium. And a tender is being launched for the US$330 million PPP project for a stretch of highway between Sancho Paisa and El Tablazo. Road repairs and new link roads are being planned for Baltimore at present in a bid to boost connectivity.
Country Colombia , South America
Industry Services
Entry Date 04 Feb 2019

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