Procurement News Notice |
PNN | 1823 |
Work Detail | The stock of Employers Holdings Incorporated (NYSE:EIG) registered an increase of 2.43% in short interest. EIG’s total short interest was 468,600 shares in August as published by FINRA. Its up 2.43% from 457,500 shares, reported previously. With 196,800 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 2 days to cover their EIG’s short positions. The short interest to Employers Holdings Incorporated’s float is 1.48%. The stock increased 1.40% or $0.41 during the last trading session, hitting $29.66. Employers Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:EIG) has risen 21.06% since January 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.52% the S&P500. Employers Holdings, Inc. is a holding company. The company has a market cap of $970.41 million. Through its insurance subsidiaries, the Company provides workers’ compensation insurance coverage to select, small businesses in low to medium hazard industries. It has a 9.88 P/E ratio. The Firm provides workers’ compensation insurance under a statutory system wherein employers are required to provide coverage for their employees’ medical, disability, vocational rehabilitation, and/or death benefit costs for work-related injuries or illnesses. The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.89 in 2016 Q2. Its down 0.30, from 1.19 in 2016Q1. The ratio dived, as 21 funds sold all Employers Holdings, Inc. shares owned while 60 reduced positions. 16 funds bought stakes while 56 increased positions. They now own 24.90 million shares or 0.71% more from 24.72 million shares in 2016Q1. Opus Capital Group Llc holds 1.1% of its portfolio in Employers Holdings, Inc. for 170,624 shares. Dalton Greiner Hartman Maher & Co owns 442,235 shares or 0.8% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Aviance Capital Partners Llc has 0.58% invested in the company for 54,737 shares. The Kentucky-based Alphamark Advisors Llc has invested 0.51% in the stock. Piermont Capital Management Inc., a Missouri-based fund reported 33,266 shares. The information provided on this website is for individual use only and should be considered strictly informational in nature. The article is not advice, and should not be treated as such. We are in no way responsible for any investment loss or damages. All content in our articles is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. Neither the information presented nor any statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities. Viewers should always consult with a licensed securities professional before purchasing or selling any securities of companies profiled or discussed in our articles. It is possible that a viewer’s entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled. We make no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled or discussed in on our website should be purchased, sold or held by investors. |
Country | United States , Northern America |
Industry | Financial Services |
Entry Date | 02 Sep 2016 |
Source | |