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United States Procurement News Notice - 176

Procurement News Notice

PNN 176
Work Detail First Free Will Baptist Church broke ground Sunday morning for a new building. Construction on the building begins Monday. Pastor Lee Patrick said he had been “looking forward to this service.” “It took a lot of patience as we tried to raise money and wait on God’s timing but after all these years, it’s finally here, he said. “And what you see today is not about one person or a group of people, but this is about God’s goodness to this church and what God’s been doing over these last 65 years.” He drew a laugh from the congregation as he talked recent conversations he had with children of the church. The children were eager to know when the process would get started and “would there be bathrooms in this place?” Patrick explained the plans for the new two-story building, which will be equipped with an elevator. Since 2010, the members of First Free Will Baptist Church have highly anticipated this groundbreaking. Dorothy “Dot” Lee, the financial manager for the church and the school it operates, has been a member since 1965. She has worked in her current position for 15 years. She is excited about the new building. “There will be a new building out front which will house the high school and there will be a music room and a big children’s area,” she said. “The present building [sanctuary] will be expanded.” Lee watched as a slideshow paid tribute to the church during the morning worship service. As the pictures flashed across the screen during the slideshow, Jonathan Poston sang “Faithful To The End.” The pictures, some in black and white, included memories from throughout the church’s 65 years. The groundbreaking presentation was set up with blue and white balloons surrounding a line of shovels. The scene was complete with bulldozers in the distance. Children stood in the crowd wearing plastic hard hats. The ceremony began with prayer and dedication. Daniel Daughtry, the church’s music director, led the crowd in a song. Deacon Board Chairman Ralph Byars led a prayer. The congregation filled the front lawn as they waited for the ceremony to begin. To close the ceremony, the pastor invited all the children to join him in a balloon release. The children each grabbed a single balloon and all at once released them into the air. The crowd looked up at the balloons that symbolized the start of the church’s new chapter.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Sep 2016

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