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Spain Procurement News Notice - 17378

Procurement News Notice

PNN 17378
Work Detail Increase the frequency with which streets are cleaned and a fastening system for containers will be implemented The Board of Government of the City of Santa Cruz approved on Monday, October 29, the award to the company Valoriza, for 18.9 million euros per year and eight years of validity, the public service of cleaning and collection of waste from the municipality, managed in the last ten years by Urbaser. Between the novelties that this contract will suppose, and as it emphasizes the councilman of Public Services, the nationalist Dámaso Arteaga, there is the implantation of a fifth container only for organic waste; the increase in the frequency with which streets are cleaned; the start-up of a mobile clean point; and a system to hold containers to prevent them from being washed away when it rains, as occurred on Avenida Tres de Mayo with the latest rainfall. The proposal made by the Contracting Committee of the cleaning service tender, convened by the Consistory more than a year ago, has been accepted by the Local Government Board, despite the controversy unleashed regarding the chosen company, among the five that have participated, it has been Valoriza. And is that opposition groups in the City have denounced that this entity was the contractor of the service, when the reports of the technicians themselves have determined that the quality parameters will not be met. In this sense, the mayor, the nationalist José Manuel Bermúdez makes clear that the Board has given the required approval to the proposal emanated from the Contracting Committee, which has been integrated by administrative, technical and legal staff of the Municipal Corporation . All the administrative procedure that has led to the agreement of the Governing Board has been developed with absolute transparency and with the publication of all the minutes of the sessions and the corresponding reports, in addition, the maximum legal rigor has been guaranteed with the presence in the Contracting Committee of the Municipal Intervention, a representative of the municipal legal services, the head of the Service of the competent department and several municipal technicians, insists the chicharrero councilor. In addition to Valoriza, Urbaser, FCC, OHL and Ascan-Acciona participated in this public tender. From now on, and as foreseen by the regulations, the mandatory period of presentation of possible resources by the companies participating in the process, which is 15 days, will be opened. If the Contracting Court agrees with the City Council, the forecast is that the new winner, Valoriza, assume the service during the second half of 2019. If any of the appeals is accepted, we will act accordingly, he explains. the Councilman of Public Services. Dámaso Arteaga asegura que el nuevo contrato supondrá una mejora sustancial del servicio que se presta a los ciudadanos. No en vano, en los pliegos se recogían importantes modificaciones de obligado cumplimiento para las empresas concurrentes con respecto al servicio actual. El municipio contará con un servicio de limpieza más eficiente, con mayores recursos y adaptado a las necesidades actuales de la ciudad, añade el edil. En este sentido, Arteaga destaca que el Ayuntamiento incrementará en casi dos millones de euros anuales la partida consignada para el servicio con respecto a lo que viene invirtiendo en la actualidad, que asciende a 17 millones. Cleaning. With the new contract, and as indicated by the mayor of Public Services, the frequency with which the streets are cleaned will be intensified, with special emphasis on the Zone of Great Tourist Influx. Fifth container. The so-called fifth container will be implemented in the city, only for organic waste. This will force us to separate the waste from our homes, we will start with the big producers, such as hospitals and schools, to continue with the homes starting in 2020. The implementation will be gradual, starting with the Health-La Salle District , then continue through the center and through the rest of the districts, some 1,500 new containers will be placed, in which only food can be thrown, and we will establish bonuses in the rate of garbage for those neighborhood communities that recycle more, explains Arteaga. Chip. The recycling containers will have a filling chip, which will let the operators know when they are full to empty them. This will allow us to be much more efficient in the collection of waste, says the councilman. Also, this announces that there will be a total change of the design of buried containers. Subjection. In some areas of the capital, the containers will have a restraint system, so that they will not be washed away when it rains, as occurred on Avenida Tres de Mayo with the latest rains, says Arteaga. In concrete, will be placed fifty fences resistant to weather conditions, he adds. Mobile clean point. A mobile clean-up service will be launched, which will go through neighborhoods to collect household items, batteries and debris. New vehicles The service will have new vehicles for cleaning and garbage collection, latest generation, more efficient and less noise. Parties. A specific action plan will be incorporated for parties and big events.
Country Spain , Western Europe
Industry Services
Entry Date 01 Nov 2018

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