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Turkey Procurement News Notice - 15972

Procurement News Notice

PNN 15972
Work Detail Health Minister Koca said that the domestic manufacturer will support the health market project, which will be implemented in order to provide the medical devices and consumables needed by the health institutions at a faster and more affordable price. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, the medical devices and consumables needed by health institutions to be supplied at a faster and affordable price to be implemented health market project will be supported by the domestic producer, said: providing a 15 percent price advantage will strengthen the localization and nationalization and will remove the possibility of monopolization. said. Minister Koca, in the procurement of medical devices and consumables in hospitals, instead of mass purchases, where frequent purchases are foreseen, health market project, AA correspondent, made statements. Open auction in electronic environment He stated that the purchases to be made from the health market will be realized by electronic open tender method and Koca continued his words as follows: When the project is implemented, the medical equipment needed by the central and provincial organization of the Ministry shall be procured through all tenders open to all tenderers, by complying with the competition conditions, through e-tenders. The completed products will be delivered to the related health facilities by the suppliers in accordance with the tender contract. How will the health market work? He also gave information about the working system of the healthcare market. He said that a supplier pool would be established as a result of a preliminary examination for purchases to be made through the health market. 81 period for each of the provinces will be held separately (partial offer) auctions will be transferred to the husband, each tender, both the importer and the importer at the level of dealership at the level. There is an open procurement model for each company. said. 15 percent price advantage to domestic companies Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, with the application of the health care market, announced by the Public Procurement Authority List of Medium and High-Tech Industrial Products and Domestic Goods products, the price advantage of 15 percent of the purchases will be taken attention. The husband said in his statement: As is known, medical products with CE certificate can enter our country. In the medical products to be supplied with the health market application, the necessary test methods and devices for pre-inspection and conformity assessment have been determined by our Ministry. Health market will be implemented in 3 phases The project will be implemented in 3 different phases for faster procurement, reasonable price and efficient inventory management. Increasing the availability of 20% of the materials, which are frequently consumed, procurement and facilitating the procurement of the most of the labor force, are among the biggest targets. For the first phase of the project, 113 pencil simple medical supplies with high consumption in all health facilities were determined. Technical specifications, inspection criteria and all analysis studies were made for the State Materials Office (DMO). When the software and legislative works are completed by the General Directorate of DMO, the first phase of the project, which is included in the 100-day action plan, will start to be implemented. For the second phase of the health care market, studies on technical specifications, suppliers, consumption and price analyzes of 400 pen medical consumables by branch physicians and field experts were completed. Products with a share of approximately 18 percent in the total consumption amount are planned to be implemented in the first quarter of 2019. For the final stage of the application, standard technical specifications were created while 100 pens of generic drugs to be taken into consideration. The evaluation criteria and application methods of conformity to the entry standards of the products were determined.
Country Turkey , Western Asia
Industry services
Entry Date 20 Sep 2018

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