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A motion asks to insert a clause in the competition notices to prohibit the possibility of using temporary or notified DM LUGANO - The issue of the employment of temporary workers was recently addressed by the cantonal politics in the discussion on the revision of the Law on public procurement. As noted by a motion to the Municipality of Lugano, Giovanni Albertini (PPD + GG), Tiziano Galeazzi (UDC), Peter Rossi (PLRT), Simona Buri (PS), Raoul Ghisletta (PS), Carlo Zoppi (PS), Nicola Schoenenberger (I Greens) and Demis Fumasoli (PC), in Ticino the hours worked by temporary staff have more than quadrupled since 2000, from 1.7 million hours to 7.6 million. The latter figure corresponds to about 3,800 equivalent full-time jobs (FTE), compared to just under 1,000 at the beginning of the 2000s. A continuous and constant growth - underline the signatories of the motion - that does not seem to stop in the least. Parallel to the services offered by temporary employment agencies, the number of notifications also increased, and in particular the number of so-called employment assumptions. This is - continues the motion - of workers from EU countries hired as employees in a company located in Switzerland for a maximum period of 90 days, so they are also temporary workers. Their number has risen in 2017: just think that in the first six months of this year the work carried out by these notified interim staff amounted to 1,959 equivalent full-time jobs (FTE). whole 2016 represented 1,938 ETP. Contrary to popular belief, this category of notifications is not only active in the building sector, but also in the hotel and restaurant sector, in industry, in commerce and in services. One third of these notified interim staff are hired through a temporary employment agency, 70% of them are hired by companies in Ticino through other channels, as is shown by the latest data published by the cantonal statistics office », the signatories continue. The Municipality of Lugano is therefore asked to insert a clause in the notices of competition, as done by the Municipality of Chiasso in the evasion of an inter-party motion, so that the winning companies of public tenders are banned (except in exceptional and justified cases) the possibility of use staff from temporary or notified agencies regardless of the possibilities offered by the Public Procurement Act. |