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Now there is very little missing: only a few weeks to the date on which the obligation to use the Telematic Tenders will start, pursuant to Article 40 of Legislative Decree 50/2016, for all the Contracting Stations and the Public Administration. A new important deadline is approaching for all Public Administrations and Contracting Authorities: on 18 October 2018 the obligation to use electronic means of communication in the execution of award procedures is triggered . Article. 22 Rules applicable to communications of the EU Directive 2014/24 / EU on public procurement, introduces the obligation to abandon the method of paper communication between contracting authorities and companies throughout the tender phase. The Directive, motivating the introduction of electronic means of communication as an instrument capable of increasing the effectiveness and transparency of procurement procedures, invites the Member States to ensure that all communications and exchanges of information between contracting authorities and companies they are performed using electronic means of communication, which guarantee the integrity of the data and the confidentiality of offers and requests for participation. As explained in paragraph 52 of the same directive, electronic means of information and communication can greatly simplify publication of contracts and increase the effectiveness and transparency of procurement procedures. They should become the norm for communication and information exchange during procurement procedures as they greatly increase the chances of economic operators to participate in procurement procedures within the internal market. The obligation to transmit notices and notices by electronic means is therefore introduced at all stages of the procedure, including the transmission of requests for participation and, in particular, the submission (electronic transmission) of tenders. The Italian transposition law, Legislative Decree 50/2016 (Code of public contracts), incorporates with art. 40 the obligation to immediately use (18 April 2016) the electronic communications media for the Central Purchasing Units (paragraph 1), while it defer the entry into force on 18 October 2018 to the other contracting stations (paragraph 2). An important help for the PA DigitalPA , a leader in the e-procurement software market , now includes several hundred customers including Ministries, Local Authorities, Participated Companies, Local Health Authorities, etc., who have chosen the innovative solution Telematic Purchases for the management of Tenders, the computerized list of suppliers and executors of public works, up to the management of their electronic market. A joint solution to manage all purchasing solutions in the Public Administration and in the Companies: INFORMED COMPANIES: Registration, qualification and online management of suppliers, professionals, companies executing jobs; TELEMATIC RACES AND AUCTIONS : Computerized management of calls, negotiations, auctions, with electronic tender session; ELECTRONIC MARKET: Dynamic electronic catalog management, direct order management and bid requests. In particular, Gare Telematiche NET allows Public Bodies and Companies to securely manage the Telematic Tenders and the Fair Rotation in accordance with the law, exceeding the paper in the computerized management of calls for tenders. The Entities, the Companies Participated, the Unions of Municipalities, the Central Commissions can: Launch telematic tenders for amounts below and above the Community threshold, with a negotiated, open and restricted procedure and a maximum or lower award criterion or the most economically advantageous bid. Manage any type of negotiation: Direct negotiation, Request for estimates, within the Electronic Market (RFQ - Request for Quotations and RdA - Direct Purchase Requests) , Market surveys, with selection of qualified suppliers from the relevant area and with the methods permitted therein. To derogate from the use of the AVCPass for tenders above 40,000 euros (Article 9, paragraph 1bis, Resolution AVCP 111/2012 and subsequent amendments). Manage the entire process of education of the tender procedure (programming, creation of the file and telematic envelopes, management of invitations and publication of tender documents, etc.) on the institutional website, fulfilling the transparency obligations. Manage the negotiated procedures with fair rotation of the guests , in compliance with the principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination (Article 36 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree No. 50/2016). Receive telematic offers , in extreme security, thanks also to the use of digital communication tools (digital signature and PEC) that make the process more secure, reliable and immediate than the traditional one and with the total elimination of cumbersome paper packages. Manage the electronic tender session , with opening of the virtual envelopes, automated generation of the tender minutes, formulation of the ranking list and identification of anomalous offers. Carry out the public tender session with the telematic participation of the commissioners and competitors . Manage the post-award phase , with electronic submission of mandatory communications, and subsequent archiving and publication of documents, extraction of tender dossiers. To fulfill the obligations of the art. 1, paragraph 32, of law 190/2012 (anti-corruption law) , with automated publication on the institutional website of the tabular prospectuses and of the XML traces to be transmitted to the ANAC with integrated validation. Features and functionality It does not require the purchase of hardware and software for its use; It does not require installation on local computers or client-server installations as it is totally web-based and managed on highly secure and performing dedicated infrastructures; it can be accessed through any web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.); Completely eliminates the burden of paperwork on awarding procedures; Allows to fulfill with extreme rigor all the obligations of the new contract code (Legislative Decree 50/2016) Choosing the solution by 30 September 2018 complete training and assistance will be totally free *. * customized offers that can also be activated through Consips MePA For more information on the software and references you can visit the thematic website . |