Work Detail |
New Land Media Advertising, Service and Trading Ltd. and Lounge Design Service Ltd. have won the bulk of the governments 5 billion, 45 million forints, communications bidding, 4 billion 734 million forints. The result of the re-tender was published by the contracting authoritys National Communications Office in the Public Procurement Bulletin. The biggest contribution of the two biggest winners was the provision of complex communication agency tasks in the 2018 communication activity of the Hungarian Tourism Agency, with HUF 1 billion 986 million. Among the tasks included the fulfillment of agency tasks related to this years financial products of MFB Zrt., The marketing of Hungarian market research and trial purchases, as well as complex communication services for the Museum of Fine Arts and its institutions. Network 360 Advertising Agency and Affiliate Network Ltd. are a wealth of 86 million, while Trinity International Communications Ltd, Young and Partners Communication and Consulting Ltd. and Sprint Printing Ltd. have won three jobs for 225 million forints. The commissioning of companies is interesting in that they - Csaba Csetényis interests in the press, mentioned by the minister of Antal Rogán, as a staircase neighbor, who had been involved in conflicts with major governmental actors in the beginning of the summer and therefore dropped out of the pixis and the Public Procurement Arbitration Board banned them starting from tender until September. Some press reports said that due to the decreasing orders, Tibor Kuna became a traitor. Previously, the advertising agencies of the two contractors received a fine for breach of the Public Procurement Act: the reason was that some subcontractors were not employed to the required extent. The contracts were signed before the middle of June, that is before the punishment. New Land Media and Lounge Group - according to press reports - is owned by Gyula Balásy and is a major winner of government communication. |