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Czech Republic Procurement News Notice - 15224

Procurement News Notice

PNN 15224
Work Detail The state and local government have commissioned contracts for marketing and communication this year for CZK 858 million. Verejné instituce a samospráva zadaly za první pololetí 2018 zakázky v oblasti marketingu a komunikace v hodnote celkem 858 milionu Kc. Oproti prvnímu pololetí minulého roku je to o 100 milionu korun víc. Ukazují to údaje Asociace komunikacních agentur (AKA) a Asociace public relations agentur (APRA). Zároven pritom významne poklesl pocet verejných výberových rízení, která byla zrušena a nenašla víteze. Podle obou asociací je to pozitivní trend, který vypovídá o pokracující profesionalizaci úredníku odpovedných za komunikaci s obcany. Z dosavadních výsledku vyplývá, že by letos verejné zakázky v komunikaci a marketingu opet mely významne prekrocit hranci jedné miliardy. The canceled tenders in the first half were five, totaling 40 million. This is the smallest financial volume of canceled orders since 2016. We believe this is a consequence of the growing level of professionalism by contracting authorities in organizing competitions in the area of ??communication and marketing. AKA contributes to improving the situation by providing advice on the preparation of tender dossiers, the participation of certified evaluators in selection boards and, above all, the training of contracting authorities according to the AKA public procurement methodology, said Lucie Cešpivová of the Association of Communication Agencies. The Association of PR agencies monitors in particular tenders for public relations services. In public relations , which is the closest definition of PR, a total of 26 orders worth more than 40 million have been awarded since 2016. In two and a half years, PR agencies have realized much more. Often, in one package, they supply media relations and other communication disciplines, which corresponds to another category of orders. Particularly large PR agencies are universal and public and commercial advertisers offer a wide variety of services, recently, for example, recruitment and image creation of a good employer are growing, said Michal Vlasák , a member of the APRA Executive Board.
Country Czech Republic , Eastern Europe
Industry services
Entry Date 27 Aug 2018

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