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Lebanon Procurement News Notice - 14656

Procurement News Notice

PNN 14656
Work Detail The newspaper News , published a new sample of wasting money in government hospitals , the first in Saida Governmental Hospital , and has enabled the appointment of doctor Ahmed Samadi as Director and Chairman of the Board, noting that it does not meet the requirements of the post and his appointment is contrary to the laws and regulations. It also exceeded opinion poll the civil Service board in accordance with the assets. Nevertheless, he sent Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani the proposal to appoint Samadi to the Council of Ministers , where he was appointed an extraordinary extension ahead of parliamentary elections. Moreover, the Minister of Health agreed that Samadi should perform medical work inside the hospital in violation of the law prohibiting the director from doing such acts, based on Article 8 of Decree 5559, which prohibits the director from performing any medical work. Thus, Samadi was implicitly allowed to exploit power, including the monopoly of medical work on his behalf. The records show that his revenues rose from LL 85 million in 2014 (only a surgeon) to 133 million pounds in 2017 when he was created as the chairman of an administrative committee before he was appointed director of the hospital. Hasbani, in accordance with the book No. 18/1/12030 issued on 10 May 2018, authorized the task of the head of the General Accounting Department and (AB) the duties of the head of the administrative section in violation of the law, at the request of the Administrative Committee to assign them These two tasks. The latter work under a contract for the purchase of services, while the law is supposed to have passed the Civil Service Council examinations. The patients medical bill is divided between the hospital and the doctor, where the doctor is supposed to receive a certain percentage of the amount paid. However, at the Sidon Governmental Hospital, the director of the hospital, Ahmed al-Samadi, exceeds 170% (although he is not entitled to any paid medical work), while hospital fees are reduced to 50%. The Procurement Committee submitted its resignation because of the obligation to sign invoices after the arrival of the goods without reference in advance. Revealed that the doctor (RO) contracting with the Department of Health in Saraya Sidon government, the medical work in Saida Governmental Hospital contrary to the law, for two days a week, and the sight and knowledge of the management of the hospital and the ministry to cover its Chairman , who is also the post of Commissioner of the government in the hospital. and reached its receivables that have not yet Tqdina from the hospital at the end of 2017 about 121 million pounds, added to the amounts charged by over more than 10 years. and still (RO) engaged in medical work itself up now. it was assumed by the Ministry of HealthIs punishable based on the comprehensive report issued by the head of the monitoring department on the former government hospitals in the ministry, who was transferred to Hasbani without any action being taken against her. And was quickly rewarded by the head of the health department in Saraya under a decree issued by the Minister of Health carried the number 711 on 17 April 2018. Of course, the decision did not notice that the contracting officer can not be assigned to the duties of the head of the department. It should be noted that the Central Inspection was also aware of this violation listed in the financial report of the inspector, but the file is still languishing in the drawers of the central inspection about a year ago. She stressed that Sidon government hospital deficit of around 17 billion pounds. In order to double the deficit, Hasbani approved the hospital administration request to resolve differences of Social Security and the Ministry of Health for the families and the families of users working in the hospital. Note that most of these contracts is the purchase of service contracts, how the approval of the rebate , which leads to the accumulation of deficits over the deficit. We have already for the Ministry of Finance rejected in earlier eras of the application of these rebates to achieve fiscal balance between income and expenditure. The Ministry of Health has recently appointed HE (H) a government commissioner at Sidon Hospital, with the legal age of 11 August 2018. The latter is a doctor contracted by the Ministry of Health, and therefore can not hold this post, because the law requires that he be a staff member of the Ministry of Health, and be at least the third category, and appointed for three years, while appointed for three months. He pointed out that Sidon hospital management, issued a decision to separate the employee (N.s.) in the Department of Accounting doctors, after informed of the Public Prosecution Finance and the Central inspection of some irregularities taking place in the hospital in terms of preserving public money. Impact on, request The central inspection of the ministry returned it to its position and alerted the hospital director to the need to respect the laws in vain, and also took action against the employee in the General Accounting Department (MD) for the same reasons, and the administration determined 10 days of his monthly salary after a precautionary suspension, To the Department of Patient Accounting, which is not already available Some of the purchase advances are paid for by the director of the hospital (sometimes handwritten, accompanied by Ahmed Samadis liability). The reason is that the official invoices and disbursements, which are often larger than the official invoices, do not match. Which led the Procurement Committee to resign due to its obligation to sign invoices after the arrival of the goods and without reference in advance in the stage of purchase orders. And because «the bids in the Procurement Department are mostly old and more than the year», while «there is no mechanism for the graduation of goods in most sections and the absence of an effective receipt committee and a tender committee and the dissolution of offers contrary to the laws in force and the same purchases of goods from different sources», In the statement of the collective resignation of the Procurement Committee on 14 December 2017.
Country Lebanon , Western Asia
Industry services
Entry Date 07 Aug 2018

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